The Wolves in the Woods Chapter 29-Human Girl in a Werewolf World

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I am finally back! This is kinda a filler chapter to build some more suspence :) As I have said before we are almost to the end! My goal is to finish it by the end of May so I can start editing it and possibly get it published! 




I’m here.  

The words floated through my mind like a caress of warm breath. The tension in my shoulders dropped away with the deep breath I brought into my lungs. Seth was safe.

“Open the door please.” I said to Jessica. I tried to sound polite, but the order was there none the less.  

No Casee, stay inside! We don’t have clearance yet from my father to let you guys out. We don’t know if it is safe yet. Seth shouted through our link having heard my thoughts.

I’m coming out whether you like it or not! I yelled back. There wasn’t anything in this world that could keep me from seeing him right now.

We don’t know if it’s safe yet, you have to stay inside. There was a bit of a growl at the end as he grew frustrated with my lack of compliance. But that just sucks for him, because I was not going to sit in this damned room any long! I didn’t bother to reply to him.

Jessica had frozen by the door, obviously aware of Seth and mine’s internal conversation. I nodded, giving her a silent go ahead to start opening the series of locks on the huge door. It took her a minute to enter in all the codes, retina scans, and last but not least the palm scan.  

Stop right now or I will order all the females to stay away from the door so you can’t get out! Seth’s voice was once again bellowing through my head, realizing that my silence was not a good thing.  

At that moment all the women in the room moved to the far wall as if pulled my strings. It didn’t matter though, the locks were already undone. I gripped the solid metal handle and pulled with all my strength, opening the door to revel and raging Seth.

“Too late.” I said in a steading voice meeting his grey eyes with my own. I walked through the doorway and right up to him, but stopped about a foot away. We stared at each other for several seconds before he closed his storming eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes they were calm again, but deep in their depts I could see the wolf almost pacing in anger.  

Seeing that he was no longer furious I turned my back to him and looked back into the Saferoom. 

“Close and lock the door. Don’t open it for anyone until we get the all clear from Alpha Charles.” I told them sternly. Almost immediately a few females came forward and shut the door.

We stood in the silent hallway hearing the locks slide into place. I was aware of his every breath as he stood behind me; the warmth of his body licking at the air between us.

“You shouldn’t have come out Casee.” He whispered in a gruff voice.

“I’m not one to be ordered around Seth.” I said turning back to face him. I was really starting to get pissed now. “I only went in that room in the first place because you would have been distracted from the fight if I was there. I understand that, so I stayed. But I will not be ordered around like a defenseless girl!”

“No you’re not! You’re basically a human girl in the middle of the werewolf world.” His words stung me. I had survived this world from my first breath, but in the end he was right I might as well have been just a human girl. 

Tears began to fill my eyes has the realization hit me. That only made me angrier. Before I came here I was rough! I took care of myself and I didn’t cry. Not a single tear. I bled, I hurt, I screamed, but I never, not once, cried. I didn’t let myself feel, for feeling brought more pain then the wounds I bled from.

But now the tears leaked out my eyes and washed down my cheeks as I failed to hold them inside. My pain was clearly laid out for anyone to see, replacing my earlier anger.  

As the tears fell down my face, Seth’s eyes softened. Pulling me close he wrapped me in his strong arms, surrounding me in his scent. “Do you know what would happen to me if anything happened to you?” He asked, his voice lost the edge it had before.

Without waiting for me to answer he continued on. “I would die inside, piece by piece, disintegrating into nothing. The only thing left would be the shell of the man I used to be and even that wouldn’t have lasted long, because if you left this world I would not be far behind you.”

I stood there, shocked, in his arms. I opened my mouth to argue, to tell him I wasn’t worth it, but quickly snapped it shut knowing it would make no difference.  Instead I said simply, “And I, you.” Then snuggled back into his warmth.

We stayed there for a time; I’m really not sure for how long, content in just being with each other after our short time of separation. Even though it wasn’t for that long I didn’t want to do it again anytime soon.

Eventually I pulled back and asked, “Where are the others?”

“They’re probably still outside dealing with clean up.” Seth didn’t go on and he didn’t have to. They were disposing of the bodies of the enemy.

Out of nowhere my stomach gave a loud growl.  It was highly inappropriate as we were talking about dead bodies, but I guess my tummy didn’t care.

Seth gave a laugh breaking some of the tension still hanging around us and I blushed bright red.  

“Let’s go to the kitchen and get you some food. Just don’t leave my sight please?” I grabbed his hand and gripped it tightly in mine. Nodding I pulled him down the hall in the directions of the kitchen-I think-. I still wasn’t sure exactly where things were in this huge house.  

When the stained glass doors of the kitchen came into few I tugged harder on Seth’s hand, making him go faster. My stomach felt like it was trying to digest itself, it was so hungry.

I pushed through the doors and rush towards the fridge pulling it open. As I looked over its contents I felt Seth wrap his hands around my middle and hug me from behind.

It was in this moment. A moment of joy, of warmth, of love. It was in this moment that everything around us shattered. Literally.   

Dun dun duuuunnnn cliff hanger! I know you all hate me know but I hope you still liked the chapter! 

Love you all,


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