Father and son in law meeting💗

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Unknown POV

I'm tired of all of this bullshit. Im tired of having to hide all of this things to her and the reason I can't just have her already.

Today is the day I have a meeting with the him.

I hope he hasn't changed his mind about our deal or else I will literally kill myself.

I know we have made this deal a long long time ago since I first learned he was her father.

I'm very glad that he understood my love for his daughter and agreed about the plans I had for us.

"Hi Mr Nikolai." I greeted him as I entered the room. I know we are business partners and I can just address him as Nikolai, but I gotta show some respect if I want to be his son In law soon.

"Hello Alessandro. You arrived quick." He says fixing his tie.

"Yes the flight went well fortunately. So how have you and Mrs Yvone been doing?"

"Really good actually, thanks for asking."He says. "Any news from my daughter?"

"Yes . That's why I wanted to meet . I have recently met her in person after all this time. We met at a club and we have been seeing each other since then. I just wanted you to know that." I spoke sincerely.

"Oh really, finally. I'm glad. Both you and my daughter deserve to be happy." I really like Nikolai . He always has incourage me to never stop waiting for the time me and her wold get together. "So do you still wana continue the plan or do u wana go the natural way?"He says with a laugh.

"Well I have thought about that and I think that It okay to continue the plan cuz we never know what might happen. So In this case we will always have a way to be together." I say. "Anyways, you know there is a ball next week with and I was thinking Azalea can come with me."

"That would be great, so she can start mingle in our life. But I'm afraid something might happen."

He says with a glance of fear on his eyes. I really understand him . It's his daughter after all , he has very right to be scared.

"Well I am too. But I'm gonna be with her the whole time and plus it's a normal ball I belive. I hope there won't be nothing crazy going on."

"Does she know about what you do? That ur the Don of the Italian Mafia?" Mr Nikolai asks. He made a good point.

"No, I haven't told her yet. Not that I'm afraid she's gonna be scared but, I really don't know. We only have met recently and I don't wana tell her yet. Plus she might understand the other things too."

"Okay, do as you think it's the best for both of you. I won't be present in the ball so please take care of her and don't let anything happen to her."

"Don't worry. I will protect her with my life if I have to. I have always been there for her even though she doesn't know it." It's true. Keeping Azalea safe is my number one priority. She's my everything.

"I know you have son. I really respect u for helping me take care of her for all of these years I have been far from her. And I thank you for doing that every though you have a Mafia to run. Im so grateful my daughter has you on her life." He says those words with the most sincere voice ever. I know he means them. He's a good father and a great man.

"No need to thank me sir. I would do anything for your daughter. She's the reason I live. I would do anything just to see her happy and smile."Azalea helped me through some hard times in my life. I know she might not remember it but I do. I remember every single moment with her.

"Ah young love." He says with a small laugh. "We all have been there. I met my wife when i was around your age. And we have been inseparable since then. I love Yvone with all my heart so I know how you feel son."

"I just wonder what if she doesn't fall in love with me. What if she leaves me and find another man. I think that I won't be able to go through all of that. Losing someone I love again. I really hope she stays with me."

"Love is unpredictable son. I know you have always taken care of her and that you care and love my daughter. And I also know that if you too are soulmates, wich I strongly belive, you will find a way to be together. Soulmates always , but always, stay together even through hard times. You might get into a fight. That's normal for couples to go through, but with a good communication everything is possible. You also have to know how and when to respect each others boundaries . Making each other happy is what yo have to do. You have to show her you love her and you always will. Not just by words but by actions too. Show her how much she means to you. How much you respect her . What are you capable of doing for her and the other way around. No one is perfect. But if we try we can be the best version of ourselves. Love makes you do crazy stuff. Love gives you a reason to live, someone you will have by your side for the rest of your life through thick and thin. Love is a blessing. I'm telling you all of these so you can try and be your best and you will see that things will go well. Azalea is a smart woman. She will see that you love her and how special you are for her, don't worry. I have a feeling everything is going to be great. And I wouldn't want someone else as my son In law." With that he finishes. As I said, he is a wise man. You can see he knows so much about love.

And those last words made me happy.

"I will try to do my best Sir. Azalea is and has always been special to me. I will make her happy , cuz she deserves it. "

"I know you will son. I don't have any doubt. You're a one of a kind man. Now I have to go, I have a meeting in a hour. Just be careful son. Don't let anything happen to her at the ball." He says while shaking my hand.

"I won't Sir. I will keep her safe." And with that I leave the office.

This meeting went well and now I'm more relaxed. I just want everything to go well at the ball. I will try to keep Azalea by my side so she won't discover anything.

I really want to tell Azalea everything. That this isn't my first time meeting her. But I will let this be a surprise for her. And I hope she will remember by herself. I also feel bad about the plan I had before this, but I can't let her go from me. I did that once , but it wasn't my fault . I was a child and there wasn't so much I could do. I really hope she understands me if there will be the need to put the plan in use. And I hope she won't hate me.

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