Chapter 32: Mending

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So, after a quite long wait thanks to moving, no internet and my son's shenanigans, here is your next chapter. It's a half one, because I'd like your opinion on it. Not quite sure I got it right. So let me know.

I'm hoping for one chapter a day this week, which should pretty much finish the story.

All eyes were on us when we walked into the Hall. Ill at ease, I tried to hide behind Lord Einarr's back, but he had other ideas. He dragged me to the center of the table and placed his hand on my stomach, bringing everyone's attention to it. The room fell silent, waiting for him to speak.

"This woman is carrying my child. As agreed with her father, if she hasn't miscarried in the spring, I will free her and marry her." He took the ceremonial horn and filled it. "I thank Frigg for her blessings. I oath to sacrifice a sow to her if the barn (baby) is a healthy male, and drink this full (toast) in her honor."

He took a sip, and his mother picked the horn and passed it to the closest guest as cheers erupted. Her movements were stiff and her face blank. She seemed shocked, yet remembered her duties. A small part of me admired her. I wished I could behave with such poise if I ever was in her place.

Lord Einarr tugged at my sleeve and I dropped into his lap. Apparently I was to resume my duties as they had been before my failed escape. As I sat there, displayed for all to see, I watched the faces around me. Most free women had already left as the meal had ended. The male guests were deep into their ale, and a few female thralls sat beside them, patiently suffering through groping hands and sloppy kisses. The faces were beaming, glad for the food and their chief's good tidings. An heir to come was a warranty of safety in their life.

All but one. Hidden in the shadows, Hrefna was throwing me a murderous glare.

Later in the night, when we retreated, I remembered her expression and shivered. This woman hated me. I would have to be very cautious.

"Are you cold?"

Lord Einarr's hands were on my shoulders. He rubbed my arms gently to warm me up. I leant against him, my back against his chest. I was exhausted. Too many things had changed in little time, enough to make my head spin. "Nay, my Lord, just tired, and worried for this one."

I placed my hand on my stomach.

"But you are not unwell?"

I smiled at the concern in his voice. He would make a good father. "Nay, though I long for the bed. I have missed this mattress."

"Just the mattress?" He turned me around, tilting my head up to meet his gaze.

"The sheets and blankets too. The pillows are nice as well..."

He chuckled and caressed my cheek. "Do you ever yield, little dreki?"

I looked into his eyes. They were gentle, tender even. Something I didn't expect from him. Maybe I should heed Magge's advice. God chose to give me this child, knowing the consequences. If both earthly and heavenly authorities bonded together to wed me to this man, there had to be some higher purpose into it. I would try to accept my fate gracefully and make the best of it. Armed with new resolution, I gave my answer. "I do, my Lord. I do not believe I will ever be meek, but I will do my hardest to become the wife you want."

To my surprise, he shook his head. "I don't want you to change, pretty dragon, though you could use a bit of mellowing..." He silenced my protest with a kiss. "Learn to control your tongue, it is sharp as a sword and will bring you harm. Most men will not have my patience and I am in no hurry to bury another wife. Think before you act, Sunngifu."

My face was aflame. I opened my mouth to retort and thought better of it. He spoke the truth. My recklessness had brought me where I was. Still, I wasn't happy with his opinion of me.

"There is no need to be so blunt. You really are a bear."

"You wouldn't listen to me otherwise. And I am a handsome bear. You said so."

He was holding in his mirth, I could tell. How dared he use my words against me? I was drunk that night. By his fault.

I stared at him, a deep frown settling on my forehead. By then, he couldn't control his laugh. I would show him. Throwing all my strength into it, I shoved him back. At any other time, he wouldn't have budged. But he was hunched forward and didn't expect it. He fell back on the bed and I straddled him, punching him in the chest.

He ceased laughing and caught my wrists. A pang of worry coursed through me. I would never learn. Had I offended him again? He wouldn't punish me, not with his heir growing in me?

My world went upside down as he twisted, trapping me under him. His hands pinned mine, his legs caging my lower body. He kept his weight off me, but pressed his forehead on mine. "What was this, Sunngifu? Are you going to fight me again? Is it how you keep your promises?"

My heartbeat was so loud he must have heard it. This close, I couldn't misread the spark in his eyes. Lust. He might be angry, but he wanted me. Something shifted in me.

"Let me go." My voice surprised me. It was assertive and lower pitched than usual.

He peered suspiciously at me and slowly released my hands. I reached for his neck and locked my fingers in his hair, weaving them into the long strands.

"You said you don't want me to change. This is the woman you chose to throw into your bed. Are you afraid, my Lord? It is still time to send me away..." I pulled on his hair, emphasizing my words.

The predatory grin that formed on his lips nearly scared me. I had never been so bold before. I still wonder what had come over me.

"Do you want to leave, Sunngifu? Answer me!"

I shuddered at his tone. "You mocked me, I wanted you to regret it. But I am exactly where I want to be. Although I wish you were not so annoyingly still..."

This wasn't the wisest thing to say, I am now aware of it. I was never much of a seductress. Yet it produced the desired effect, and brought great amusement to the rest of the household over the following days. I guess I must have been even more vocal than usual. Magge had been right all along. For the first time I was fully willing in his arms, and it made a difference. There was no guilt, no regrets, no holding back. And when in the end I nestled against him, it felt right.

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