Chapter 41 Bride To Be

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My status was ambiguous at best. As a freed woman, I was slightly below a servant, and as Lord Einarr's betrothed and future mother of his heir I was above everyone but Lady Disaelfr. Both servants and occasional visitors seemed to struggle with how to treat me. Should they bow to me in deference, regard me as an equal, or look down at me? They usually went for the former but I could tell their confusion from the stillness that always seemed to precede the marks of respect. They were not sure I deserved it. It soon was clear to me that I would have to earn their trust.

So I tried. I refrained from showing any sign of haughtiness at my sudden elevation and modelled my behavior on Lady Disaelfr. I asked for her advice often, learned how to compose a suitable toast in their language, how to place guests according to their rank and alliance. She taught me the politics of the island, and who had a feud with whom. It appeared that Lord Einarr had been quite proficient at keeping peace with his neighbors. I was relieved to know that I wouldn't have to fear an attack when he would be away at sea.

Lord Einarr's courting wasn't what I expected. I saw no sign of a song or a poem, just a long strand of little things.

At each meal, at least one of my favorite dishes appeared on the table. His smug grin when he spied me licking my fingers told me that it was his doing.

Once I glanced at his plate and noticed that he had given me all the crispy cuttings of the lamb's leg we were eating, helping himself to a slice of the pink flesh underneath. Discreetly, I tugged on his sleeve. "You should have kept some. It is not proper to deprive yourself of the best morsels for my benefit. If others find out, they might think you weak or besotted."

He raised his eyebrows and smiled at my concern. "I am flattered to hear that you care about my wellbeing, Sunngifu, but I assure you that you needn't worry. Everyone here is aware of my preference for more tender pieces."

He winked on his last words and I felt my cheeks grow hot. "But you always fed me the first cuts..."

"Because you like them. I never ate them..."

"Oh..." All this time I had assumed he was giving me random pieces of his own meal. From my previous position at his feet, I hadn't been able to see the top of the table. "How did you know?"

"Your father. He told me you like your meat nearly burnt. He found it very funny."

I struggled to come up with a clever answer. The fact that he had remembered such a small detail and made use of it left me voiceless.

"You can blame Magge for anything else. She gave a list of your tastes to my men when they picked you up. To her defense, I had asked her for it."

I pouted. So Magge was in with him. I remembered our conversations by the hearth and all the questions she had asked. I had assumed she was curious about my life as a lady. It turned out she was mostly spying for Lord Einarr.

I should have been upset at her, yet I couldn't. Magge didn't have an ounce of malice in her body. Being married and madly in love with her husband, she wished the same for me. And she couldn't refuse a request from her Godi. So I took it on him.

"You are not playing fair, how dare you use my friend to your advantage!" I emphasized my words with a light punch to his arm. The truth was, I wasn't really angry. If anything, I was flattered that he went to such lengths to please me. But I wasn't about to tell him.

He caught my hand and grinned. "All is fair in war and love, my dear, and I strive to excel in both."

His smugness annoyed me. Did he think he had won already? I gave him the sweetest smile I could muster. "I don't know about the former, but there is still much room for improvement for you in the latter, my Lord."

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