Chapter 38: Seer

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As I entered the Hall I wished I had more time to steel myself. My last hope of delaying my encounter with the witch was crushed when Lord Einarr saw me.

"Ah, Sunngifu. Come and meet our esteemed guest."

Keeping my head low, I shuffled to the top of the long table. Lord Einarr's arm wrapped around my shoulders, ushering me ahead.

"Helka Völva, this is Sunngifu, the woman carrying my heir and soon to be wife."

"She is Christian." The voice was deep for a female.

Surprised I raised my gaze and met a pair of piercing dark eyes.

"You are scared." It wasn't a question. She was merely stating a fact. "I know what your priests think of my art. They are wrong. As long as you are no threat to me or my people, you do not need to fear me."

I shifted my weight from foot to foot uneasily. This woman seemed to read my mind. I gawked at her, at the fur line skin covering her head and her rich dark blue garb. She was wealthy; several necklaces of glass and gold beads adorned her neck and two large gold brooches held her upper dress. But what terrified me was the jeweled staff in her hand and the aura of power surrounding her.

And powerful she had to be for Lord Einarr to surrender his high chair. She sat regally, a court of young girls standing behind her. Panic was fast rising in me. I took one step back, leaning against my owner. His fingers dug into my flesh, reminding me of my manners.

My throat was suddenly very tight and I cleared it, mustering all my courage. "Thank you. Your presence brings great honor to this house." I hoped it was enough for I couldn't think of anything else.

She seemed satisfied. "Godi, we have held this young woman too long, she must be tired by the trip. Won't you let her go and refresh while we discuss the reason for your call?"

He bowed with a smile and kissed my head. "Go Sunngifu, and rest until supper."

Grateful for the reprieve, I bowed and scooted to his bedroom.

I was bent over the clothes' chest when Lady Disaelfr joined me. She closed the door and leant against it.

"So you are back, Sunngifu. How is my grand child?"

"Greeting, my Lady. And it is alive and kicking, just as his mother." I was seething. She addressed me as if I was merely a vessel for her son's seed.

"Do not take this tone with me slave. You are not the mistress of this house yet."

I glared at her. "But I will be soon, and you should hope so, for it would mean that your son's heir will be born."

"I wish he had chosen someone more worthy of his attention. And I expect you to rise up to the honor bestowed on you."

"Picking me was lord Einarr's decision, and God knows I had no part in it. I never wanted this, but I will try to fulfill my role, for my bearn's sake."

She narrowed her eyes, clearly dissatisfied by my answer. She opened the door, stilled, and turned back to me. "You'd better not disappoint him, or you would do well to remember how high the cliffs are. The slightest push and you could plummet to the jagged rocks below. It wouldn't be the first time..."

I gaped at her as she slipped out, and found myself facing Hrefna, whose horror stricken face told me she too had heard Lady Disaelfr's threat. I wondered why she reacted thus. She hated me after all. I looked away and slammed the door.

My trembling hands rubbed my belly while my mind spun. Maybe I had been wrong to fear the witch. Lady Disaelfr was far more dangerous. Could Hrefna be innocent? Surely Lord Einarr's mother wouldn't risk depriving him from his unborn heir? She had just admitted to killing his first wife. I gazed at the walls in anguish, feeling trapped. There could be more than one person wishing me dead. Why did I have to leave the safety of Domarr's farm? I missed Magge's wisdom. A woman who wouldn't have been allowed in my presence a few months ago had fast become my closest friend. What would she do in my plight? Confide in Lord Einarr? I doubted that either his mother or Hrefna would confirm my tale. Would he believe my word against Lady Disaelfr's? Quite unlikely. I could only wait.

Washed, freshly dressed, and not rested, I sat on Lord Einarr's lap for the evening meal. It was quite difficult as he sat on a bench, his chair still occupied by the witch. It was earlier than usual and I guessed that she would demonstrate her talents later. I was in no haste to see it.

This time I was not requested to take part in the conversation. I didn't bother me. I was quite content to snuggle against my owner's chest. His arms were the one place I always felt safe, and I relished the comfort it brought me. Often he glanced down at me, smiling warmly, offering me food or drink, kissing my head or caressing my belly. I thanked him and pressed my lips to his hand a few times. I had stopped bothering about other people's thoughts. I wanted him close.

The banquet finished only too soon. Servants and thralls rushed to clear the room. The table was taken away, leaving an empty space in the center. A dais was brought in and the high chair placed on it. Furs were spread around for the witch's acolytes. Before I realized they had left, they were back with drums, a flute and other musical instruments. All but one knelt around their mistress, waiting for her signal.

Three times the heavy staff hit the ground, demanding attention. I held my breath and clenched Lord Einarr's hand, afraid of what was to come.

"I have come here to unveil a murderer, who attacked an unborn child and his mother. Such a crime is an abomination in the sight of our goddess Frigg, and well as Freya from whom I hold my powers. It shall not remain unpunished. Step forward child."

The standing girl came forth, stopping in the middle of the room. Her moss green eyes were unfocused, flame red hair shining under a gold circlet. She looked young, a couple of summers less than me.

"This is Solveig, my apprentice. She is a powerful spaekona. She will dance for the goddess tonight."

Another thump of the staff and the drums began to beat, faster and faster soon joined by the flute. The witch closed her eyes and sang. She asked for her gods help and foresight, weaving the words in a strangely compelling way.

The woman, Solveig, spun and swayed, bending and twisting with the sound. I watched, fascinated, as she increased her speed her feet moving so fast that I could hardly see them.

Suddenly the music died and she collapsed on the ground. I waited with baited breath until she pushed herself up, her vacant eyes directed at me.

"I see a dark bird attacking you. It is female and wants to strike again."

I shook my head in disbelief. Around me people were talking fast, and Lord Einarr's face had darkened. I felt sorry for him. There would be no help from these witches. They had lost their mind.

I waited for him to rebuke them. Instead he called the guards.

"Where is Hrefna? Find her and bring her here. Now!"

He might have seen my surprise, for he added: "Hrefna means female raven. I can think of no other who might have wished you harm."

"I agree, but wouldn't you need to have proof?"

"The gods have spoken. They can't err. She is guilty."

I jolted, feeling a hand on my stomach. It was the seer.

"Your son is strong and healthy. He will be a great warrior and have a long life. But he will abandon our gods and for that I am sorry. In time, they all will." She sighed and returned to her mistress' side.

My gaze followed her, a silly smile on my lips. My bearn would live long and be Christian! I was elated. Lord Einarr wrapped his arms around me, beaming. He had his heir. Around us, voices offered congratulations and good wishes. Basking in happiness, I barely heard them.

That's the moment the guards chose to run back in. "My Lord, Hrefna is nowhere to be found and a horse is missing. The stable hand says she must have stolen it hours ago."

I paled. This woman was dangerous and she was a slave. No one would help her. She wouldn't have fled unless she knew someone who might. I had the gnawing feeling that this wasn't the last we'd heard of her.

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