Chapter 36: Extended Stay

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This chapter was a b.... to write, I must have changed it 10times, still not sure I got it right. Let me know what you think!

We were given Magge and Domarr's bed that night, despite our protests. They placed two pallets side by side on a bench, threw covers on it and ignored us. As I insisted, Magge's head peeked between the curtains. "There is not point complaining, Domarr won't listen. The men here are very stubborn, don't you agree?"

I giggled, glancing at Lord Einarr. "That I do, but his leg..."

"My leg is my concern and it is late. Cease your cackling, women, and get some rest."

Magge rolled her eyes at her husband's grumbling and disappeared. I was left with my very amused owner.

"I will heed his advice, come..." He climbed on the mattress first, lying against the wall. I followed and pulled the tapestries around us. As I settled against him I could hear our escort getting ready for the night. Eyes closed, I listened to the rustling of fabric and the thudding of boots hitting the floor. Soon, the room was silent.

It didn't last long. Soft moans resonated in the dark house, getting louder and louder. Magge's voice. If I had any doubt about what was happening, the muffled laughs of the men would have erased it.

Lord Einarr was affected too. There was a kiss on my shoulder, and his breath tickled my ear. "I quite like Magge's song, but I prefer yours. Let's see how they sound together..."

I shook my head wildly. "Not here, my Lord. I beg of you, there is no door, they would hear..."

"Trust me, they have already. The door was never enough, little dreki, you can be fairly loud..."

I hid my face under the pillow. Why did he need to remind me of this? "But Magge and Domarr haven't. Pray, my Lord, it would be so humiliating!" I couldn't do this and face them in the morn.

"Consider it as your punishment for your behavior earlier. And I doubt they will notice..."

I writhed as his lips and hands began to dance on my skin, setting it on fire. There was no avoiding this, he would have his way as usual. I tried to lure him into kissing me, but he would have none of it. I pinched my lips, bit my knuckles to stay mute. Nothing worked. He knew me too well. Soon I forgot all about my surroundings; my world narrowed to the bed, and him.

They had clapped.

I swallowed my gruel, eyes on my bowl, wishing hard for the ability to vanish in thin air.

When I regained control of my senses after our nightly disports, the men had clapped, loud enough that I couldn't hear my heaving breath. Magge giggled and Lord Einarr echoed her, upsetting me. The situation was embarrassing enough without him mocking me. And I blamed him for it. I punched him to make him stop and he caught my wrists.

"Calm yourself, little dreki, this isn't good for the barn..."

"This is all you care about isn't it? Your heir! Why do you always make fun of me? I hate you..." I burst into tears. Again. It was childish, but I couldn't help it. My eyes held an endless supply of water in those days.

"None of this is true, Sunngifu, and you know it. Ignore them. You have nothing to be ashamed of." He emphasized each of his words with a soft kiss to my face. I stopped my struggling and allowed my eyelids to drop, just for an instant. I'd resume my protest later. As soon as my hands would be free.

"Sleep, my sweet, you need your strength..."

I merely groaned my approval before I obeyed.

And here I was, eating my breakfast and listening to them joking about it at the table. They congratulated both him and Domarr on their performance, and Magge on the sweetness of her voice comparing it with mine. I seethed in silence, unwilling to blow on their fire. I would have to wait it out.

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