Chapter 12: Conflict

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 We both turned and I stared at him in fear. What would befall to Aidan? Would he be punished on my behalf? Seducing another man’s slave without permission would mean a fine for a free man, but for a slave it could cost his life.

Yet Aidan seemed unfazed. He bowed to his challenger with a warm grin.

“My Lord Einarr, you are flattering me. I would never dare such a thing and I am far too old for her. Besides, why would a woman consider me when she has you? I was merely comforting her, she was crying.”

To my wonderment, the Viking smiled in return.

“I believe you Aidan. You have my friend’s trust and he is usually a good judge of character. So she was wailing again? What was it this time? I know she nearly drowned, but by Odin I can’t fathom how such a small body can hold so much water!”

In an instant my mood swung from scared to angry. He dared to mock me for my tears when he was the cause of them! Fortunately Aidan spoke, saving me from saying things I would be made to regret.

“She is young and it is early days for her my Lord. Acceptance will come with time.”

The Viking narrowed his eyes.

“Then I shall ensure it comes sooner rather than later.”

Without warning, he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bedroom. He slammed the door and locked it. I stood still in the flickering light, wondering what I had done wrong.

“Have I been too kind to you Sunngifu? You are not to allow other men to touch you. Aidan is the only male I trust to be alone with you, and you managed to make him break the rules. And who let you believe that you could go wherever you pleased? My men told me that you took upon yourself to go and see my other slaves. I forbid you to leave this enclosure until we board the ship. The villagers don’t know you belong to me, you could be in danger.”

Defiantly, I met his gaze.

“Are you afraid that someone would steal your toy? You didn’t seem to mind with Magge. So now I am not only your slave but your prisoner? Although I am not surprised; what else could I expect from a savage heathen? You disgust me.”

I spat on the floor to emphasize my words, wishing it would be enough to work him into a rage and maybe kill me. I hated him so much that I didn’t mind being beaten to death if it delivered me from him.

Yet he didn’t take the bait. A slow smile stretched his mouth, while his eyes remained cold.

“You think very ill of me, foolish Christian girl. I have been very lenient with you. I didn’t hit you, I didn’t even force you. Do not play this game with me, for I can see through it. Others have tried before. You are very brave to defy me so, and I commend you for it. You were the only one in your father’s Hall not to piss yourself at my sight. For that, I let you live. But if you don’t curb your temper, I will retaliate. As you are to produce my heir, I won’t maim you, but I can think of more efficient forms of punishment. And if you have a death wish, give yourself to another, and I will gladly fulfill it. My child shall be of my blood.”

His words made me burst with outrage.

“You did force me, how dare you…”

I was thrown onto the bed, my wrists crushed in one of his hands while the other roughly bunched my skirts above my waist. I cried in panic and he kissed me brutally, suffocating me. He wedged his hips between my legs, letting my mouth go, and smirked.

I struggled to get out of his grip, to no avail; he was too strong.

“What are you doing, let me go!”

Ignoring my plea, he rubbed his free hand harshly between my legs and I bucked against him. It hurt, a lot.

“This is forcing you, and it can get worse. Is that what I did last night? Answer me!”

“N..nay, it isn’t,” I stuttered, feeling sick.

His fingers became gentle, soothing. He kissed me again, softly, before releasing me. I jumped back on my feet.

“Don’t flatter yourself Sunngifu, I will tame you. You should learn obedience and accept your fate, fast. Take example on your friend, she is making the best of it. Her good nature attracted a member of my crew, he offered to buy her when we’ll reach our homeland. She will be free and mistress in her house while you’ll remain a lowly slave. This is what your attitude will get you. I expect you to be waiting for me tonight and all the other nights, humble and eager to please, and treat me with utter respect at all times. Any misconduct will have consequences you don’t want to deal with. Do you understand?”

Clenching my fists, I nodded. I would find a way to escape or die trying.

He lifted my chin, meeting my eyes.

“If you behave, your life won’t be bad. I will treat you well. I don’t wish for you to be unhappy, little dreki, and I don’t need you to be meek. Still, I won’t have a reckless woman in my house.”

He stared at me a little longer, as if searching for something more to say, and finally turned and left. I collapsed face down on the bed, shouting out my rage and frustration in the pillows. I punched the mattress until my arms gave up, the skin on my knuckles peeled raw.

Then I sat, knees under my chin, considering what I should do.

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