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A woman I had met once before for less then ten minutes was now moving into my house and I couldn't be more thrilled.

Loid had volunteered me to help Yor with her boxes leaving her with only a few comforters as we carried the last of the boxes up to the apartment. I moved to hold open the door as the two walked passed me as Yor voiced a concern "Loid about the sleeping arrangements..," her voice was awkward and quiet before Loid cut her off "separate rooms of course, we'll share for appearances if we ever have company," they looked at each other with a soft smile.

"Come on love birds, we're burning daylight," a called as I walked past them entering the main living area as they sputtered behind me. "Welcome to Anya's house!" A pink flash appeared in front of us as Anaya rose her arms in a warm welcome. Yor smiled and tilt her head slightly "thank you for the warm welcome," her cheeks were still a bit red from my earlier comment but seemed to have softened at seeing Anya.

As I passed by them I called out "Your not the only one that lives here Short stack," this made Yor chuckle as Anya puffed out her cheeks. "Come on (Y/n) knock it off, we have boxes to move," Loid attempted to sculled me as he held three large boxes, this sparked something in Anya as she grabbed a much smaller box and held it up "I'm so happy to have a Mama," Yor's face seemed dazed as she looked down at Anya lost in thought, I studied her face and expression before Loid broke me out of my thoughts a large box being placed into my hands.

"Staring is rude," he chided making me roll my eyes "it's only rude if you get caught," I continue stiffening my demeanor as I faced Loid "why exactly did she agree to this? I don't see what she had to gain, I can't see her angle," he looked at me for a minute as if trying to figure out what was to much to tell me before his eyes flicked to Yor again. "She said people were getting suspicious of a woman her age being unmarried, afraid she would be reported to the SSS," I shook my head "that's not enough, your flimsy operation would need to have more of a draw then just a cover.." I let the rest of the thought fade off as I studied Yor. Unless she had a reason to need a cover.

I dropped it, clearly there was something more happening but digging around so early wouldn't do me any good. Might even mess things up if Loid catches on to my suspicions. Loid still stared at me as if waiting for me to continue but I only shook my head and gave a crooked smile "things might be interesting after all," with that I shifted the box in my arms and moved it to Yor's room.


Slicking back his hair and slapping on some glasses Loid leaned back in his chair holding a clipboard and pen "I'll ask the questions," Yor and Anya sat side by side on the couch looking stiff as I sat on the arm chair across Loid. I wasn't to worried about the interview seen as my score was the highest in transfers my place was practically in the school was practically set in stone.

"(Y/n), as a 10th grader what do you see yourself pursuing in the future?" The future, I myself never considered one as anything I have tried seemed to come so easily to me but as a school shaping world leaders the answer they would want seemed like an easy lie to come up with. "Form a business of my own, one that I grow by hand to create a better Ostania for us all," my answer seemed to satisfy Loid as he moved on to his next victim turning to Anya.

She seemed to be giving me a look of awe before Loid snapped her back to attention "Anya, what do you do when your not at school?" She thought for a minute then answer honestly, which was her first mistake "since papa leaves me and Sib home alone a lot, I watch TV and feel sad when Sib ignores me," Loid deflated and shot me a slight glare that i shrugged off "No, no. Not a good impression," he shifted his attention to Yor making her jump a bit.

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