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"This isn't the time to get lazy (Y/n), just because you got into Eden doesn't mean your off the hook, this is where the real challenge starts," Loid started to pace the living room as he lectured me, it was early morning of my first day officially enrolled as an Eden student and we still haven't received any formal information about Anya's admission hence how tense Loid was. "We need to get your uniform, do some pre testing, maybe even invest in some study materials," he drowned on and on about this while I barely listened.

I sat on the couch flipping through my book "will you chill out, I've got this in the bag, Eden won't know what hit them," Loid stopped pacing and faced me "your arrogance will doom us all," I looked up and him "it's not arrogance, it's self confidence, something you should learn to have," we went back and forth like this shooting passive aggressive insults at each other as the tension grew.

Anya and Yor stood in the hall looking watching as me and Loid continued "should we stop them? I mean this looks like it could become violent," Yor asked her hands coming up to her mouth imagining a bloody fight but Anya shook her head pointing at us. "This is just how they are, they still care for each other and want the best but don't know how to talk," Yor looked down at Anya and tried to see things through her perspective.

Loid's large hand gestures and dramatic reactions and my sarcasm and blatant disregard. She could see it, in a way. She hummed and moved to the kitchen "I'll make some tea to calm us all down and we'll adjust from there," Anya hopped up and down as she followed Yor "can I have Hot coco?" Yor chuckled "of course,"


Yor had forced Loid to take a seat and passed him a cup of coffee as well as some creamer. He still glared at me as Yor also passed me a cup and set one down for Anaya, hers full of hot chocolate. "Now, Loid why exactly are you mad?" She asked siting back and sipping on some tea for herself, Loid huffed and looked at her "they won't listen to me, over and over I have laid out a plan for them to follow to help them succeed and they refuse to listen," Yor nodded and looked up at me.

"And (Y/n) why are you mad?" I sighed and looked at her as well "I'm not, I'm just tired and don't see a point of getting yelled at for something I don't have to worry about for another week or so," once more Yor nodded then turned to Loid. "Do you think maybe the reason your frustrated with (Y/n) is more about their attitude about school then the fact their not listening?" That made Loid freeze as he tried to understand if the statement was true or not as Yor turned to her next victim "and (Y/n) do you think your actual stressed about school more then you are mad at Loid?" I shrugged not wanting to go to deep into the subject.

Yor clasped her hands together "then that's that, Loid your so worried about how (Y/n) will do in school that your stressing them out more then they were, my recommendations, you both apologize and go school shopping," I blinked. Did I really have a reason to apologize? I mean I was sleeping a few minutes ago and had no reason to be up until Loid had practically dragged you out of bed saying something along the lines of "how are you supposed to be to school on time if your always sleeping in," I crossed my arms ready to stand my ground.

"If this is true, and I was the one putting pressure on you (Y/n) I am sorry, your apathy towards school made it seem as though you didn't care if you did bad or good and I want you to do your best," he seemed sincere, but I couldn't tell if it was the role he was playing or if he was actually sorry for this mistake. I took a long sip of my Coffee that somehow was both over sweet and sour before looking Loid in the eye "how we all deal with stress is different, I may not show it but in some ways I am worried about school, you yelling at me and trying to gain control of the situation doesn't help, I see where your coming from but I don't like your approach," I didn't apologize.

Yor caught that quick and lifted an eyebrow moving her hand to gesture me to continue "and I see no reason to apologize," I closed my eyes and turned my head. "You called Papa a control freak with a hero complex," Anya deadpanned as she starred at me "I don't even know what a hero complex is," I sighed and let my arms fall to my sides and turns to Loid "fine, sorry for the things I said, some of them where out of line," Yor nodded happily and smiled.

Then she did something I never expected, she leaned over the table and hugged me "don't you feel better after getting that off your chest," she slowly stroked my hair as she wrapped her other arm around my back rubbed small circles. I flinched at first but slowly melted into the feeling, it was nice, warm and safe if not a little suffocating. She separated herself way to soon as she clutched her hands together and tilted her head to the side "now, you two go and have some much needed father child time, after (Y/n)'s trip across seas it seems you two lost your bond," Anya nodded looking serious.

Yor had been feed the story about me being an exchange student for the past four years, witch explained her logic of why me and Loid didn't seem to get along rather then the truth of us being complete strangers.

Hence how I ended up walking the streets with a disgruntled Loid as he checked his watch for the their time "so what exactly are we supposed to do? Yor locked us out of the house for another hour or so and well I don't have anywhere to be," Loid sighed defeated slumping as he did so. "I have a mission I was planning on doing when the three of you went to the park together but I don't think Yor would be pleased to have you go back now, she seemed pretty set on us 'bonding'," I snorted.

"Well what's the mission? Maybe I can help," he gave me a side glance and shook his head "it's classified, WISE agents only," I moved to step in front of him "your forgetting, I am a WISE agent, Loid I'm your partner in this," he glared down and me and shook his head "your in training, there is no way i'm bringing you with me," as he Spock he pushed past me and started to walk to Franky's stand "how am I supposed to learn when you don't teach me," I threw back as I walked next to him.

He rolled his eyes but kept waking while I stoped in my tracks and started at him , "if you leave me with Franky I'll go home and tell Yor that you ditched me with a family friend," he stopped this time "Like Franky would let you out of his sights," I hummed and smiled "you think Franky is enough to hold me back? Come on Twilight you know I'm stronger then that," he looked back at me with a cold looked studying me for a moment, I could see the gears moving as he pondered how he should go about this before a face of serenader fell across his features. "Fine but stay close and no messing around (Y/n) ," I nodded and ran up to him "that's agent Apple to you sir,"

(AN: So the reason I created this little side plot off the story line was because there was a three day gap between the plot points and I wanted something to fill that, if you don't like that I'm sorry and this will only last two chapters this one and the next so go ahead and skip to 12 when it comes out. Other then that I wanted to thank you all for reading, this story grew so fast and it's crazy to me how many of you there are, but also...why no comment? Almost 300 reads on chapter 1 and no comments...like why? Anyways enjoy ^^)

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