🩵Love Samuel🩵

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It was a cold September, the snow hadn't started to fall yet but there was a chill in the air. Once again I had asked Demetrius to come out and prove his false sense of 'superiority' this time with a simple, maybe childish race. I rolled my eyes as a figure walked towards me, his long imperial scholar cloak blowing cinematically behind him. I leaned on the bench behind me and looked up at the sky a small smirk growing on my face, "what is he to much of a coward to face me yet again?" Sam stopped at the other end of the bench and crossed his arms.

"(Y/n) how many times are you going to do this? Isn't the definition of insanity trying the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome? I think that describes you will at this point," I rolled my head in his direction showing off my smirk "are you calling me insane Samuel?" He rolled his eyes looking back at me "at this point yes, four times this week alone I have been forced to come find you and once again chew you out, do you like being degraded or something because this is just embarrassing at this point," I snorted out a laugh.

I nearly double over as I laughed before being able to compose myself enough to make out a response "why on earth would that be your reasoning?" His eye twitched in announce as he let go of a deep breath "well you keep chasing after Demetrius, I feel his the most degrading person you can be around and yet you attempt to follow him like some lost dog," I narrowed my eyes at him. The way his jaw tightened, the way he rubbed his arms, he wouldn't make direct eye contact with me.

I took a step closer to him "and yet you do the same thing, you heed his every word and follow his instructions," his eyes shot towards me as I took another step closer "you act all cool and collected like you know that games rules but you have no idea what game we're even playing," I took another step this time I had entered his personal space forcing him to take a step back and suck in a breath his eyes looking a little panicked, though he hid it will, you would have had to have looked into his bright blue eyes for hours to see the slight movement of nerves.

My hands moved behind my back as I leaned in close to his face "I have a theory Sammy, I think your jealous," the way his eyes shifted to my lips back to my eyes and how his breathing hitched gave him away, I moved away taking more then a few steps away and turning my back to him "I think your jealous of how close I'm trying to get to Demetrius, scared that you might loss your best friend to someone who has so much more in common with him," I turned my head to look at him.

He was looking at me with rosy cheeks probably from the cold and a dumbfounded look on his face, I studied my face for a bit before starting to laugh at first it sounded more like a confused laugh to one where he was leaning over the bench, he gripped his sides as he laughed "I can't believe it, you are just as bad as he is, you don't understand at all, oh stars it's hilarious," I tilted my head a bit confused at his sudden outburst. I didn't find anything I said amusing in anyway yet here he was laughing like I told the best joke he's ever heard.

He finally sat down on the bench and smirked "you (Y/n) Forger are the second most naïve person I know, you talk as though your the smartest person in the room yet you don't know anything," this ticked me off I faced him trying not to give any emotion away "I could double any test score you have every had, no I could triple it," he just smiled up at me "I have no doubt you can, but that's not what I'm talking about," I raked my brain for any sort of reply that would sound good but I came up blank. Nothing he was saying made sense, he called me dumb then admitted I was smarter than him.

He must of been able to tell I was confused because he dipped his head and started to explain "you can read a person like a book, practically read their minds with just their body language, you can look at a book once maybe even glance at it and know cover to cover everything you could every need to know about it, ace any test you try just as simply as I would brush my teeth and yet when anything involves you as more then just an observer you can't figure it out, your so used to analyzing the world around you, you forget that you also have an effect on it," I blinked at him, what he said rang a few bells but still didn't make what he said before make any more sense.

He looked up at me a bit anxious as if he felt like he had said to much but seeing my expression realized I hadn't gained anything from it. He sighed at stood up, looking down at me with his slightly messy blond hair and bright blue eyes and unclipped his imperial scholar cloak and sang it around my shoulders before giving me one last sad look "you two are one in the same, I think that's my lot in life," and with that Samuel walked back the way he came, down the path and into the school building.

(AN: THIS IS NOT CONNON TO THE STORY!!! No Samuel dose not and will not have romantic feeling for (Y/n) this is just a funky little one shot for my Samuel lovers and an apology for missing last weekend, I've been swamped with stuff recently but I hope to make up for the missing chapter this week, Thank you all and I'll see you soon ^^)

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