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I listened as Yor tried to explain the reasoning to her excuse on the ground balled up holding my stomach and trying not to laugh as Yuri bought it. Looking up at Loid didn't help what so ever as his face gave away his disbelief.

It was clear that Yuri wasn't stupid from what Yor had to say about him but it was also becoming clear that he had to critical thinking when it came to dear old Yor. This could be a blessing or a curse based on what side he was on, for us it was more then we could ask for.

Loid tapped me on the shoulder while holding a plate, he must have recovered quicker then I had and finished the food, he moved his head to the side gesturing me to leave the kitchen with him. I nodded and stood up seeing a few cups set up on the counter and picked them up and followed Loid. He smiled as he set the plate down "sorry to keep you waiting," Yuri on the other hand glared at him as if Loid had killed his dog or something, I ignored them and placed the cups down taking my place on the couch, Yor smiled down at me as I did so.

The sound of aggressive clicking diverted me and Yor's attention, Yuri who might I add had already stated he wasn't hungry was now scarfing down the food Loid had set down yet he looked pissed about it. The situation was pretty easy to understand. Yuri had a sister complex, that was proven with how angry he got when Yor hugged me and how he seems to be glaring at Loid, he sees him as a threat. I smirked as I watched me "uncle" devour everything except for the plate it's self, Yor as oblivious as ever just smiled "Isn't Loid's Cooking wonderful?" This only added fuel to Yuri's fire as he glared at Loid who like his pretend wife was oblivious.

I leaned back into the couch this was going to be a blast to watch all it would need is a snack but Yuri ate practically everything. Yuri shifted his gaze back to Yor and his expression was like night and day, as if he had seen the cutest puppy he had ever seen. "Oh that's right, i brought wine if you'd care to join me," Loid once again smiled and took a seat on the other side of me "I would love to thank you," my eyes shifted to Yor giving her a slightly warning look. She looked at Loid them me and giggled a bit, I didn't have to turn to guess what she found so amusing. Me and Loid had given her the same look.

The conversation turned boring fast, the normal 'how did you meet' and such with Yor struggling to not make Loid sound like a complete freak and Loid himself smoothing things over. That was until Yuri's demeanor change he went from casual conversation to interrogation fast, and not some sort of novice attempt at proper information gathering, he may not have known what he was doing but be was skilled at this sort of thing. I shifted my gaze to Loid and he nodded noticing the shift as well. But of course that all crumbled when he asked Yor a question, something about pet names and had a complete meltdown.

He threw back three glasses of wine and more family treats showed up, namely being a light weight. I couldn't talk from experience myself when it came to alcohol, even when I was with my parents it was off the table of course that didn't stop my mother from grabbing a big bottle whenever shit hit the fan. Loid on the other hand seemed to have a good tolerance for the stuff and even if he didn't he wasn't the type of person to over do it, that I could appreciate about him.

Loid got up again and fetched some water for Yuri and cleared some of the plates he downed leading to another down words spiral and two more glasses downed. He spoke as he drank making it sound like he was gargling with the wine yet whatever he was trying to say was to mashed up for me to put together yet I could guess it was probably some sort of insult aimed at Loid. Yor chided him about how fast and how much he was drinking which seemed a bit hypocritical seen as she was usually the one I had to sneakily take drinks away from.

Loid quickly went back into damage control mode taking his seat again "So Yuri, I heard your in the Diplomacy business? Thats incredible, you should hear how Yor boasts about you?" I had also heard Yor talk about this on more than one occasion. From what she had said Yuri was constantly on the move for work and didn't have much time for anything else. Diplomacy though was something new, and rang several alarm bells in my head.

Yor spoke up "When I saw Dominic the other day, he told me that you had gone to Hugaria," a very plastered Yuri spoke as if he was reading "oh well, yeah. It was just for work though," he spaced off "but it's a beautiful city, I wish I could take you one day, there were all these lovely cafes, and we found this one particularly neat old one they said it was a favorite of the empires back in the day," once more me and Loid's eyes met and I knew for sure I wasn't imagining it.

Loid turned back to Yuri and played into the story adding details that related only to the SSS hand book, each pit fall hand landed Yuri into being an agent without a doubt. My eyes darted over to Yor, she noticed and placed an arm around me and gave me a slight side hug and smiled, there was no way she could know, was there? I thought back to the things I had considered as abnormal about Yor. Her strength, her skill and her quick thinking, I had found all of these things about her strange and had pushed it aside until I had a better explanation.

No it wasn't until I had a better experience, it was so I could continue playing house. I didn't want to be suspicious of Yor, not when she had been such a change compared to anything I had ever experienced. She felt so safe and so comfortable in ways I didn't think a person could and yet here I was faced with the reality of my carelessness, the want to be blind to the real threat she could be.

I still had no idea why she was so skilled in the ways she moved, why she was so quick on her feet, or even why she had no other house skills other then cleaning. I had brushed it all to the side in hopes that I wouldn't have to deal with it and I could keep living in my bubble.

I clenched my teeth, when had I became so careless? The reality of the situation was that I was in a house of strangers with no real idea who any one of them truly are.

Yor looked down at me a bit puzzled and leaned in "are you okay," I nodded and plastered on a smile nodding "yep, I'm okay just a bit tired, I think I might turn in for the night, school tomorrow and all," with that I abruptly stood up and gave a slight nod to Yuri "it was nice to meet you and I hope we have a chance latter to be better aquatinted but my academics come first," he gave an awkward almost clumsy nod and a slurred muttered response I coupling really make out.

All the while I could feel Twilight's eyes burning into my back.

(AN: I hope you all enjoyed this weeks! We have to stir up the emotions always 1 step forward and 2 steps back with a little bit of (Y/n) lore and a pretty good reason to be weary of Drunk Yor)

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