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The clock struck 9 and the annoying chiming sound filled the house yet it didn't even make Anya flinch as she stayed curled up on my lap. After Yor burst in with the news about her brother Loid pulled out what he liked to call 'the lovey-dovey marriage kit' witch was basically just a bunch of cheesy couple gimmicks that I found honestly a bit unsettling, I mean did everything need to be so couple?

That's besides the point after the preparations were made we were left to wait for Yuri to show up witch took longer then any of us expected. Anya wanting to stay up to meet her uncle tried to mimic me as I read but her book was upside down and ether me or Loid had the energy to correct her. She passed out pretty fast after that and hence led to her using me like a human heated pillow, I didn't mind to much as I mindlessly played with her hair.

Soon enough though Loid noticed and picked her up and started carrying her to her room "he must have gotten tied up at work," Yor mused as she looked out the window. I watched over my book as she moved to open Anya's bedroom door for Loid to set her down as they talked "has it been a while since you've seen each other," Yor smiled as she shut Anya's door behind her "yes, circumstances aside I really exited to see him," she and Loid moved back to the living room as they chatted aimlessly yet I stayed hooked on the conversation.

I never had a sibling at least one that I knew, I couldn't imagine how it must actually feel to have a blood relationship that close with someone like that. Sure Anya had just entered my life but I wasn't she I would ever see her as family, in reality she was a tool for my own sick entertainment in the game of house WISE had created. Yet here I was siting there pretending to be just that a family. I flipped the page.


The sound of shoes clicking up the steps of the apartment caught my attention first and I closed my book before settling it on the coffee table and looking at the door. As if on cue the door bell rang and I stood up as both Loid and Yor gathered at the door, I stood next to Loid leaning to the side with a sickly sweet smile plastered to my face as Loid opened the door.

The man on the other side had Yor's black hair and glossy red eyes though he's seemed sharp more intuitive and analytic, he wear a brown trench coat and a suit full with gloves, in one hand he held a huge bouquet of white orchids, the thing was bigger then his head and must have weighed a ton yet he held a briefcase in his other hand as if the large bouquet was nothing.

White flowers were mostly used for times of remembrance or most commonly seen at memorials, I cringed inside a bit, was this Yuri's way of hosing a funeral for Yor's single life? I shook away the thought. He probably thought they were pretty and didn't give much thought to what type they were, not to mention different places had different ideas on what each flower meant, Japan saw sending White flowers as an ominous for death, The USA saw them as a symbol of purity while us down in Germany saw them more as a memorial.

Loid and Yor smiled and opened the entry more giving Yuri space to wake in "welcome come on in," once he had stepped in Loid offered his hand out to him though it was clear there was tension, it fell heavy and thick in the room. I looked up at Yor who had moved behind me and draped her arms over my shoulders clasping them in front of me, she didn't seem fazed by the atmosphere just smiling and watching the two interact.

Once they had shaken hands Yuri had picked his briefcase back up witch caught Loid's eye "here I'll take your coat and briefcase," Yuri, who seemed to be trying to be civil still looked tense as he spoke "oh no thank you, I'm fine," Loid stalled for a moment but just smiled and walked toward the kitchen "if you don't mind eating simple fare, I'll whip something up, go ahead and make yourself at home," he seemed uncertain with how to maneuver around the guy, I couldn't blame him though Yuri's random appearance left no real time for any sort of coherent structure. Yuri looked back at him coldly "Don't trouble yourself," was all he muttered as he walked farther into the house with me and Yor.

And yet I still watched Loid retreated to the kitchen leaving Yuri to Yor and I. Yor squeezed me into a hug as she looked up at Yuri smiling "this is (Y/n), I'm only their step mom but their really smart and I'm very proud of them," a light lit up in my chest at hearing that but I didn't let it reach my expression as I scanned Yuri's face for his own expressions. He didn't see as aggressive as he was with Loid but his eyes did go from Yor's arms around me back to my face. This caught my attention as I brought my own arms up and hugged Yor's grip around me gagging his reaction.

He's face tightened and a scowl formed, I lifted an eyebrow and smirked, he was easer to read then Yor and she was an open book. I extended my hand out to him with a smile "as Mother said I'm (Y/n) Forger, it's nice to meet you Uncle Brier," he looked at my hand then switched his briefcase to the hand with the flowers and shook it "right kid," I look up at Yor and smiled "I'm going to help Father with the food," she nodded and released her death grip from my shoulders. I nodded to Yuri and walked over to the kitchen.


Loid was watching the siblings interact as he worked on the 'simple' food he was cooking. He's eyes shifted to me as I ground some spices on the salmon.

"You've been quite all day, it's not our of character for you but it is quite strange you haven't made a comment about  the 'lovey-dovy marriage kit' that seems to be something you would have said something about," I glanced at him for a moment and smirked. "What that it's weird and completely bizarre? I mean the beding really? He's not going to walk into your bedroom so why put it up," Loid looked slightly offended for a moment but it washed off fast and and he fell into a slight smile.

He spread some sauce on the food "Did something happen That I should know about?" My mind flashed to Samuel as he tipped over the queen, how cocky he must have felt after tipping over one piece as if it was some great accomplishment. I looked back at Loid then the siblings back in the living room and shrugged "we will, just not here, not now," I watched the back of Yuri's head, Loid's gaze following "Yor said that she had this one handled so I'll believe that for now at least," I nodded.

I had yet to catch Yor in a lie that I could prove wasn't true, a lot of the things she had said stuck out to me as odd and out of place in her story but nothing was without proper evidence to back up her claims so that meant one of two things, she was ether a great liar or she hadn't lied to us yet.

"How could you be so thoughtless, go an entire year without telling your own brother you got married?" I leaned on the counter top as Loid started to clean the supplies we used to cook. Yuri glared at Yor yet it wasn't anger or anything like that more annoyance or frustration at the situation "if you want my blessing you better have a good reason," my eyes moved to an anxious Yor as she stared Yuri down she was sweating and looked  nervous as she sputtered "so what do you have to say for yourself," Yuri pushed.

Then with a level of confidence that assured the choice on wether Yor was a good liar or just hadn't yet. Yor looked Yuri in the eye and do declared "I just forgot," the plate in Loid's hands fell with a shattering sound, the same one I could believe his brain was making as he tried to understand Yor's thought process. I had to lean on the ground to stop myself from laughing to loudly.

It was clear Yor was a terrible liar.

(AN: another chapter done! And we are now on Vol. 3 yay. If your concerned about Penguin park I will tackle that chapter after Yuri so hang tight for that, anywho hope you enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to hope back in soon)

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