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I was reading a book, well, trying to at least. I had recently discovered that I could never really focus on anything when Miss Elizabeth Bennet was in the room. A part of my mind was going over all the conversations we had had. And how she looked at me with such a confident air and never faltered. Or how she was always sure about everything, every opinion she had to say.

I was drawn out of my restless thoughts as Caroline leaned above me, craning her neck to see what I was supposedly reading.

I chose to say nothing and subtly turned the page.

She eventually moved on and decided to find another target:

"Miss Eliza Bennet," She said soothingly, "Let me persuade you to follow my example and walk around the room; it's refreshing!"

I glanced up under my eyelashes in time to see Elizabeth smile hesitantly, then close her book and link arms with Caroline. I tried to keep my eyes on my book, but I found that impossible as they got closer.

"Will you not join us, Mr. Darcy?" Caroline said as they stopped in front of me.

It was almost torturing to keep my eyes on Caroline and not Elizabeth, "That would defeat the object," I said evenly, happy that my voice sounded calm and bored.

"What do you mean, sir?" Coraline exclaimed; she looked at Eliza, "What on earth could he mean?"

"I think we would do better not to enquire." Eliza said matter of factly and steered Caroline away, but Caroline looked back and cried, "Nay, we insist on knowing your meaning, sir!" A bit of mischief rose within me, so I replied, "Well, your figures are to best advantage when walking, and I might best admire them from my present position."

Caroline made a sound between a cackle and a gasp, "Shocking! Abominable reply!" And I heard Louisa chuckle from her seat near the fire, but I was only looking at Elizabeth, who had only looked at Caroline, studied her face, then offered a slight smirk.


"How shall we punish him, Miss Eliza?" Caroline said as the two walked back towards me; Elizabeth chuckled and responded, "Nothing so easy...tease him." Then she raised her eyebrows "laugh at him."

"Laugh at Mr. Darcy?" Caroline said with a shocked face, "impossible!" She unhooked her arm from Eliza's and moved away, gazing at me. "He is a man without fault."

"Is he indeed?" Eliza said with a smile as she too looked at me, "A man without fault."

"That is not possible for anyone." I ground out, "but it has been my study to avoid those weaknesses which expose a strong understanding to ridicule."

"Such as a vanity perhaps, and pride?"

I blinked and studied her. Her eyes were blazing, and I found myself strangely drawn in by that look, "Yes, vanity is a weakness indeed," I said quietly, "but pride...." I paused, unsure of continuing, "Where there is a real superiority of mind, pride will always be under good regulation." I was content with my answer until I saw Elizabeth glance away to hide her simper in a poor attempt.

Something heated inside of me.

"I have faults enough, Miss Bennet, but I hope they are not of understanding," I said louder, and she quirked an eyebrow. "My temper I cannot vouch for." There was a long pause as I tried to get my thoughts together, and she seemed content with listening; I finally went on.

"It might be called resentful. My good opinion once lost is lost forever."

"That is a failing indeed, but I can not laugh at it." She finally said, staring me down.

My heart thundered.

"I believe every disposition has a tendency to some particular evil." I mustered out.

"Your defect is a propensity to hate everyone."

"Yours is willfully to misunderstand them."

"Shall we have some music!" Caroline awkwardly called as she made her way to the pianoforte, glancing back at us.

Elizabeth looked away first and briskly walked back to her table and took up her book again.

And I was left sitting there. Trying to tear my gaze away from Elizabeth and feeling just as conflicted and enchanted as ever.

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