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Vijay's pov:
" Welcome back sir" Sruthi, my secretary of New york branch  greeted me in her usual flirty tone. God, I hate her  she is so clingy and always try to get into my pants. May be i might had fucked her once, that doesn't mean i am Interested in her, to hell, I am not interested in any girl, except... no, not there, I came all the way till here, to stay away from her and her thoughts. We can't be together.
        I gave a curt nod to sruthi, as I walked into the building.
        As usual, I took the private elevator and sruthi joined me. As soon as the elevator doors closed, she started her seducing game. Touching me on my arm, which slid upto my fingers as she gave me a lust filled look. " So, SIR, did you miss me? " She asked in the same tone. To hell, I would miss her. She was just a toy for one night who I've let out my frustration on , and she thinks I am into this Dumbhead. In your dreams.
        I didn't reply anything nor even care to look at her as I walked  out of the elevator as we reached the 17th floor and she followed me like a puppy.
" To the point, did you arrange my schedule? " I asked her in a no nonsense tone as I leisurely sat on my chair. She might have got the hint in my tone, that i was seriously in work mode. So she replied a " Yes sir" With a sulking face. I nodded, asking her to proceed as she read out my schedule.
" @ 11.30am , you have a meeting scheduled with the Archer groups, they informed that , you are going to have a new collaboration with their partner company as to the new deal with the Archers' .
There are a few files which you have to look into and few need your signatures, and you are free for today
The Archer group had given a heads about a business party which is held for the meeting turns out to be a success, which is not yet scheduled, it could be tomorrow or day after considering the weekend " She briefed.
" Get me the flies and my coffee and let me know when the meeting starts" I ordered and she handed me the files and left.

" Sir, they are here" Sruthi informed   I was already in the board room.
" Hello Mr. Varma. It's good to see you" Mr. Pankaj greeted. " Same here Mr. Pankaj"
" So, let's start with the meeting " I said.
" Ah... Yes, before that I have someone here" He said as a girl walked in with all her grace. And I was stilled for a moment. I couldn't help myself to look away from the mesmerizing beauty before me. I felt a strange pull of attraction towards her.
" Hello Mr. Varma" She greeted and..... Whipped!!!
" Hello" I greeted back coming out of the trance she pushed me into. She had that aura around her which could sweep away the ground under the feet of even the toughest man out there. The girl is dangerous.
" This is Radha Vardev, she is a partner in our company and we propose a collaboration in this deal with the Vardev industries too. And in my perspective, it would be a great benefit for all the three companies " Mr. Pankaj said. Hmm.... Impressed, she could be around 25 and already a partner in such a leading company.
" Ya, sure, I was informed before about it" I said still looking at the girl.
I couldn't take my eyes off her. She really suprises me. I never knew  even I would be one of those guys who would be whipped by a girl, just by one look. But here, she is. The suprise of my life. I could say this is the first time, ever, something like this is happening to me. No girl had captured my attention like she did. There is a first time for everything! It's not just about the beauty, but her powerful aura, she has around.  So simple but elegant  in her formals and blazer, I didn't see a girl who could carry herself with such a grace and confidence.

We started with the meeting and our representative piched their views. As the discussion went on after the presentation from each side.
" If we go with this strategy, it's would be a profital- loss. As of now, the stock market is high but as it goes, it would fall down gradually, in this case. So it would be a loss" Radha said.
" It could be, Ms. Vardev, but not a garuntee, I think we can proceed with this idea.This is the best we could opt"
Mr. Rao said.
" There is no could be Or would be in business, Mr. Rao, It has to be certain or  we can't do good business. It could be good as of now, but I am afraid, you need to concentrate on the future too when you are signing such a huge deal." She said shutting Mr. Rao in such a smooth way just like killing with a buttered knife, he is such a pain in the ass thought. He sometimes acts like he is the boss. I feel to fire him then and there, but I am answerable to mom in his case. He is an old employee . I smriked at his helplessness as everyone agreed to what Radha said. That was one fucking counter. I like her confidence. I am proud of My tigress.... My? Where did that come from. All the while, I couldn't take my eyes off the magic before me. Which had chained my heart and brain to her not letting it go.
If someone told me this before, that I would be thinking all these cheezy things about a girl, I would have shot them straight in the point blank and laughed. But now, I have to believe it.
It was always, the other way around, girls would throw themselves on me ready to do anything with just the snap of my fingers, but here, this magic captured me. For a moment, my thoughts drifted to dhara. NO, we could never happen, we wouldn't be happy together again. Never the same way.
We signed up the deal and now, i have to stay here for a month and i could never be more grateful for this. May be i could try my luck with Radha.
" It was great signing the deal with you Mr. Varma" Radha said shaking hands.
" Yes, I hope the output would be great as we planned Ms. Vardev" I replied as they bid bye after. This is turning into a serious obsession now, I have serious issue!!! Ahh.. As if I care.
I want her and there ends the point.
I don't have to worry about meeting her again, she would herself walk into my office. Thanks to the collaboration. We have to work together.

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