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" where are you? " "working dad, i was a little busy."
" what about vijay?"
" He is working too, what happened,do you want me to check? wait i am on my way to his cabin,.... oh he is sleeping ? he is sleeping dad!  maybe due to the medicine effect, what happened, dad? Any problem?"
" No nothing it was just that, there wasn't any sound  from the bug for long, so...... its ok, do your work, and remember, what you have to do next..... i don't want any nonsense." 
"Yaa dad bye" Radha Cut the call.
"what does he want now?" I asked.
"The bugs, they are in your drawer, no sound so he became soooo restless." she said. Wrapping the towel Stepping out of the shower, I let out a frustrated breath listening to her.  can't even Spend some alone time with each other. 
"I swear I will kill him with my own hands" She said resting her head on my Shoulder as we stood beside each other facing the mirror,looking at our reflection.
"Soon love, that day is not far" I kissed the crown of her head.
"Get dressed, we have an act to put in, hurry up." she said putting on her clothes...

Our drama again started as we put on our chain and bracelet carefully. "Vijay wake up, are you ok? Radha started as she said that I was sleeping. " yaa, I'm good, just the painkillers made me drowsy. "
" hmm.... come its getting late, lets have something. you need to take your meds."
" Let's go"
we went to the cafeteria's private Section and ordered our food she signed me to concentrate as she Started Speaking .
" so... vijay,  is the processing complete, how long will it take ? "
"Umm... By a day or 2 it will be done and no one can pluck a feather from VEDA" I said gritting my teeth not able to control my anger.
"Not the time to get angry" she mouthed without making any sound blinking her eyes.
"Then? what next?" she asked Carefully in a serious tone.
"Dhara will get her shares and I will get mine 50:50, so we end there, I filled a divorce notice already By the end of the week, I will be the whole and soul CEO of VEDA, with complete hold on the property, signed on the divorce papers. Ready to marry you and celebrate my 27th birthday as your husband, without any loopholes"
" will dhara agree for the divorce, did you talk to her? Will your mom accept me? I am nervous, Vj." she said.
" I planned it already, up to dhara is concerned, she has to let me go , she has to understand and mom, i will make her agree, I know someone who can help us... mom will listen to shivam uncle... he loves me a lot, he will accept you. You know him right since the shares... and all "She nodded. "Yes"
"Then, what about your parents?"
"They will be fine.. they will agree.. my dad would be so happy.. he likes you... " yaa yaa why wouldn't he be, i thought... radha caught my expression as she smriked.
" we need to go back to India, the project is almost done and the rest, i guess, we can handle from there and you know, the discussion needs to be done... we need to handle my mom... our life changing discussion.. " i said and she nodded.
"ok,so when are we flying back?"
" tomorrow " time for some action..

The most awaited.. our heroine's pov:

We were in our private jet, after a passionate love making, we laid between the sheet in the private bedroom of the jet. Thank god, the bug transmitter does not work at this high altitude.
viju was sleeping, but i was wide awake, where our life had brought us to, such a state that even to spend a few minutes with my husband, i need to think 10 times, Calculated and planned. Every minute we are in front of each other and every second i look into his eyes, i miss him, i miss us, though we are around each other, we cannot openly live our time alone. Thanks to the stupid bugs we are Carring.
We knew we were playing with fire, not the normal one but we are stuck in a forest fire, any moment , it can consume us and end everything for ever. viju was against my plan... he never leaves a chance to keep me out of the danger we are in, but i myself choose it, for all those days and nights, we spent far from each other, to save our family... wasn't easy. blood and sweat, it costed more than that.... our childhood, our trauma, our loneliness, our family, our lives..
we were at the age of not even understanding what was happening to us... why i was...
"Doll, you didn't sleep? " All my thoughts broke when vijay pecked me on my lips and later pulled me into a deep kiss.
" You are tired viju, sleep for some more time , you are under meds. "
" You still doubt my stamina wifey? Even after you know you are sore enough to walk properly for the next 2 days.. " He said nuzzling his nose on my neck. I giggled.
" Stop... Stop viju"
" This is the only time we get jaan, not sure what our future has in store for us. " He sighed laying back. I kissed him to change his mood, which ended up in another three orgasms... Or rather I'll say I didn't count..

After long hours of flight, we finally landed in RGI Airport, Hyderabad.  Our luggage was already taken care of, so we just walked out of the gates towards where our cars were waiting.
" Radhi, you are coming with me. " Vijay said.
" But why vijay, i have to..." Just come with me baby,i want to take you home."  He cut me off.
"My parents are waiting, i need to visit them and also tell them about us, I'll see you soon na "
" We will tell them together it's ok, I just want you to be  with me. So I don't want to listen to any excuses, and mom has to agree, just come with me , you actually need to struggle a bit to make her accept. It's not at all going to be easy, taken the situation of dhara, we need to convince her. And you know, it's my b-day in 2 days so i want to spend my time with you. The Day I've been waiting for so long. " he said.
" What if your mom won't accept me and our relationship? " I asked knowingly about his reply holding my chain between my fingers. The one with the bug ....
" She has to and i will make sure of it. " " But for instance, what if she does not? will you leave me ?" I asked again.
" why and what the heck are you. even speaking.. Why will i leave you ? " His tone held a bit of irritation.
" You and dhara are married, your mom loves her since childhood and not to forget, you too love her, and I being no one in between, Your mom will never agree to this. I am just telling you my fears vijay "
" Are you serious , do we really have to do this now, In the middle of an airport, why are you being so insecure ? You know I love you Right! "
His irritation and anger were now clearly known.
" It is what it is. " I replied lowly.
" That is why i am asking you to come with me, we will do something and get over it. And i told you, Shivam uncle can help us. I will talk to him and he will surely support us. He knows me so well he will understand us. " He somehow made me agree and we walked to the parking zone where our cars are waiting for us.

The varma mansion stood huge before, i stepped down for the car. This is where i belong to, for real, as vijay's wife. This is my home ,not that house of my so-called dad...
A bright smile spread across my face looking at vijay smiling back and we walked to the main door hand in hand.
A worker opened the door, we walked inside, our steps resonating in the corridor hall way.
And here comes The Gayatri Rajendra Prathap Varma, my mother-in- law.
My loving smile fluttered as i looked at her. She is what i wanted, her love...
She stared back blankly at us.
" Hi mom? " Vijay said.
" Who is she vijay? " She asked back.
" Wont you even ask me how i am? "
" You will obviously be very good with this girl who I assume is your Radha. But did you ever think about how Dhara was? " Her voice sent shivers down my spine.. Strong and dominant. This is where vijay got that trait from.
" Mom, i already told you. " She raised her palm up telling him to stop, cutting him off whatever he was trying to say.
" I've been calling you for 2 days , why didn't you pick up the call or call me back? "
" I was busy and.. "
" And romancing? I called seenu too, you were always busy, dont even want to listen to anything? Now you can't escape listening to the truth" She said with hatred in her tone. yes i agree we were romancing, but that is not all, he was in the hospital and obviously so frustrated that i wasn't there.. We were not enjoying avoiding everything, we were spending time with each other which we hardly got to do. We can't explain this to her, i guess, taken her mood and assumptions.
" Dhara is no more! "

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