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For the rest of the day, we got busy with work,files, calls, meetings etc etc , i dint even get time to eat, but I texted radha to have food during the break time and she sent me a pic of her having noodles sulking with a text " You made it more tastier, i already miss your noodles" making me laugh at her childishness.
"Sir, the files" sruthi intrupted. and I kept my phone aside bringing back my serious face.
" keep it there and leave "I said.
"You've changed, I never saw you smile much less laugh like that 'She said like she hates the person who made me laugh.
" Its good if you mind your own business. " i replied coldly. she gritted
her teeth and left like may be stomping her foot.
Yes I am laughing - the thing which i never did. And I don't regret because the person who makes me smile is special.
A knock on the door pulled me from the files i  was drowning into.
"come in " I said still looking into the files Working on my laptop.
" working hours would be over in 30 minute,.and I am taking you out somewhere. NO EXCUSES " I looked up, Radha leaning on to the desk with her hands on it •
"A Date?" I clucked keeping the file
aside and relxaxing back on my chair.
" If its a date, I would have asked you, Not tell you 'NO EXCUSES' "  she said quoting the words..
"May I know where are we going?"
"where ever it is, its going to be good. and dont worry, i am not kidnapping You or I wont kill you" she said the last part darkly.
"Am I supposed to be acting scared for the tone you used? " i asked leaning forward on the desk.
" yes "
" But you dint give me the Script before and i might laugh out loud if you put up that serious face again. You are really bad at acting dangerous." I laughed.
"I am dangerous "she whinned.
" yes, you are, but not for me. Atleast not when you  act Cute like this".
"All you feel is to name me cute when I am trying to be dangerous.? "
" Thats what you are doing, 'trying' but not being serious & You are not at all acting profesional Ms. Vardev, You cant whinn, Sulk, pout ,Laugh like an idiot with your business partner. "I said.
" Its 6:30pm and my working hours are over, we are not doing business anymore. You are my friend now so i can do that" she Said as a matter of fact.
"Are you Sure we are
" just friend" ?  I wispered leaning on to her placing both my palms on the hand rest of her chair-turning it to me, blocking her.
"Yes!" She tried to sound confident with her answer but shudderd and I raised an eyebrow taunting her for the doubtful tone.
"Your time is up, now come with me!"
Saying she pushed me and dragged me Out of my cabin.
I saw sruthi fuming looking at my hand in her's as Radha dragged me to the elevator.
"Iam driving, give me the keys " She said and I passed her the keys .

" Can I ask you something" i said 
" yes, except for where are we going " she replied changing the gear.
" You wantedly dragged me out holding my hand Right? "
"Hmm.... i'm impressed, you have great observation skills" she said.
"Then its true, why?" I asked feeling happy for the stunt she pulled up. i am guessing it already  but i want her to confirm it.
"I wanted to irritate your Secretry. Though I sound childish, I can't help it"
"And why do you want to irritate her?"
"She messed with me"
"Care to share the details? "I asked.
" She wantedly spilled the Coffee on my important files and muttered  "oops sorry, it was an accident" in her fake Sweet irritating voice. I am afraid i might turn diabetic listening to that tone of hers. Stupid dumbhead" I laughed at her cursing sruthi.
"I am sure you might have given her back for that, you are not Some one who would stay quite after that, according to my knowledge"I said and she grinned nodding her head.
"what did you do?" I asked playfully containing my laugh.
" i poured ink on her favourite white prada hand bag and muttered
'oops sorry, it was an accident' . You should have seen her face, God she looked like she ate Bittergourd and lime." she said laughing.
" So you made her more jealous, by draging me out" She nodded.
" She is dying with jelousy, that you are my friend and you show intrest in me. so, i gave her more reasons to die, for all i care" She said.
" So you wouldn't have ordered me like you own me, if not for her?" I asked the question pricking my brain to know her feelings about me.
"You are my friend, so I own you"  She shrugged.
Soon baby. You will say it that You own me like more than your friend. I will surely change your words.

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