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I was in an orphanage in Madikeri, there I met
sunaina maa.... She took care of me just like amma did. She became my support in those days when I cried for my only family left. She lost her baby and she joined the orphanage as a caretaker.. Starting her new life... And became my mom at last.
But I din't expect that night at all, I was waiting for viju to come and meet me for my birthday. I was so excited to show him my saree I wore for the first time, but something else showed up and I ended up seeing that monster of our lives again. He was the one I've seen, he came again, for once I thought, he came for me. But later, I realized, he was there for something else, he knew sunaina maa and maa said, I was his daughter, to save me. From then I acted along. Viju was completely against this, but I made him agree somehow as there was no other option left. I was already in his house as his daughter by then, not for the world, but secretly, I was. It was more like that illegitimate daughter. Then we dint knew what he was upto, every time I called him dad unwilling, I felt something crawled my body, that urge to kill him then and there. But I couldn't do anything and ruin everything. He was so powerful.. We were still struggling to build back VEDA. And without proper planning we can't do anything.
We grew up like that...

We had planned our safe game.
Viju and I got married 5yrs ago, we knew we were in great danger and one wrong step can ruin everything. If we die, we wanted to die as husband and wife and before that we had to save VEDA. According to the will, the transfer of property was already done 5 yrs back. But everything ended at vijay's 27th birthday. That was the safe point. So we did not reveal anything. If we did and we die, there were still chances of the whole property  going to the trust. But that wasn't the problem, that monster owned his shares in the trust also. He might do anything and get VEDA in his hands. After we got the property, we can transfer to anyone we wish, but not before vijay's 27th bday. If something happens to us after his bday, the property will automatically go to all the employees of VEDA  and no one can do anything then. Our Dads made the will Such way. They got to know about Nayak and dint let him into the company. And they had proofs against Nayak. That's why he killed them. And the evidence too along with them, died. So because of the risk, we had to be in ambush and anguish follow it.
All these days we were oblivious to what did Nayak plan. 3 months ago I got to know about my so called Dad's plan . He asked his " Daughter " To act like Dhara , who was dead and get the shares. At that time, We started our double game.
" Vijay, we need to talk"
" @ the hotel @ 7 ! "
" Ok"

" Vijay, he is not as we thought to be, he is more dangerous than our imagination, he  .. "
" Dhara, dhara... Cool.... Relax first"
" No... Its... He told me his plan... He is gona destroy everything... We need to stop him... He.. " Vijay kissed me stopping my blabbering, I was tensed after knowing how that monster planned to destroy our family forever, he had his men in our house and he started  to give slow poison to athamma already... Thank god I got to know about it now, before it's too late. Vijay dint let me go and kept kissing me bring my thoughts to him and our kiss. The fear of losing him flew out from my eyes as tears as I kissed him with all my love. He knew I was terrified and only he is my medicine now. All the distance, longing and love we had, we poured out in such times, it was our routine to meet secretly like this. The only way I could spend time with my husband was act like his fling, which was always our cover to spend time. Vijay,not even for once looked at other women... I know him...... It is always me whom he was with...we made love, every time we meet. It was not something just physical, our souls needed each other, until the next time we meet. We layed in each other's embrace.
" Now tell me what is it? " He asked calmly.
" I've already informed athamma about the plan and we are just doing that, no other option viju.. You have to listen to me please.. He is more than what we thought. He planned to send Radha as Dhara so you get married and he can get  the property from Radha and kill you. He planned to completely erase the existence of VEDA. Now we have to start our double game. "
" But, it's the only way, please viju. " I somehow made him agree explaining so much, yet still he agreed unwilling.
" Ok, so what is it? "
" Dhara has to come back, for real, but not reveling anything, we need to get married again, secretly,yet Nayak has to know that. Dhara is really alive and you getting married. There are men who work for him in our mansion, he is watching you. Take care of athamma. After that poisioning incident, I am really worrying about her more. Ask her to be safe, please, and she will call you now, telling you about the will, you need to act like you dint know anything about it and dhara being alive. You need to act like you hate me. Rest all leave it to me, I will take care.You need to trust me with this and not worry. I know you do, but you being too protective can expose us. Please Vijay. " I explained and as planned, athamma called him, When we were in the hotel . And our game started. It was a shocker for Nayak that dhara was actually alive and his brain worked exactly like how I thought, I only informed him about Dhara and Vijay getting married. He believed me to spy on them that day, foolish enough, and later, he made his men to keep bug transmitters in the mansion and in viju's bracelet too. Coz, he knew, that was gifted to him by me and viju wouldn't ever take it off.
That night, when we got married, he called me and told that he was planning to kill Dhara, that's when we had to play another game of Vijay hating me.
That night:-
I cut the call and turned around to see my husband standing with happiness in his eyes, that finally, he got me home, as his wife. I ran towards him, into his embrace and also that was the right time to tell him. The bug transmitted all our conversations, so I had to carefully whisper or find other ways to tell him. Thank god, Nayak dint plan any cameras. But the bugs were also a pain in the ass. I hugged Vijay tightly and started my drama. He got the hint. I showed him the bug was installed near the bed lamp. Now we had to make him believe that vijay hate dhara.... And to make it more believing, the only way was..
"Rape me" I whispered in vijay's ear as I hugged him tightly. He stiffened . I could sense he was angry for that, he wouldn't ever hurt me, but I am asking him to do it.. I dint had any other chance... Vijay should look like he really hates me and can go to any extent of hurting me... Because nayak already know that dhara is vijay's weakness... But if Vijay only hurt me, then it will be more easier to make that monster believe. Vijay dint speak anything, but kept giving me deadly glares and his eyes telling that he is not gona do a bit of what I just asked him to. But at last, the situation demanded and he unwilling did as I told. Even in the act too, he couldn't hurt me, his love for me is so precious that he couldn't even act like hurting me.. And for what he did, he hurted himself, by fighting in the ring that night... I know, that's the way he punishes himself, he gives physical pain for himself...
Vijay was so worried about me
That's why he planned the NewYork trip , so that he can have me safely beside him. Because, as dhara I can't, but as radha, I can. Our business deal and everything was a drama. That was to make nayak send radha to woo Vijay. How much we got crumbled in this double game.... Is what will be worth our struggle at the end. Soo DAD and Vijay will meet about our marriage and there is going to be the end of our miseries. Before that we had to make him believe that dhara and Vijay are divorced, fake documents were ready and even the fake property papers which showed recent transferring dates. We had this extra work to just buy us some extra time with the passing drama, we were nearing to our deadline.
Finally we did it.

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