ᕯ one ᕯ

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march 22nd, 2018


The twenty-year-old singer looked up and a grin grew on her freckled face. She was wearing a pair of light blue denim ripped jeans with a black cropped top with black strappy heels and a brown bag with her blonde hair left down as she had simple makeup on. She looked absolutely stunning as she walked around with a smile on her face.

"Maxie!" she laughed as she hurried to the Red Bull driver and hugged him. "How are you?"

"I'm good!" he said grinning. "It's been a while since I saw you!"

"It has," the blonde said smiling, "how's everything been?"

"It's been good," he said as they walked through the paddock, "hoping to get a few poles this year."

"Hopefully," she said smiling.

"Oh, there's two new drivers for you to meet," he said as she looked up at him, "follow me." 

The two walked towards the paddock cafeteria where most of the drivers were. Millie and Max walked in and saw Daniel, Sebastian, Lewis, Alonso, Kimi, Checo and Pierre chatting together with two new people Millie had never seen before.

"Millie!" Daniel said grinning as he got up and hugged the blonde tightly.

"Danny!" she laughed, hugging him back as everyone got up and greeted the blonde. 

"When's the album?" Kimi asked as Millie laughed.

"I'm not telling you," she laughed, "you can wait like everyone else, you don't get special treatment just because you're one of my favourites." Kimi groaned as the blonde chuckled. 

"Mills," Max said as the blonde looked at Max, "this is Sergey Sirotkin and Charles Leclerc." Millie looked up and smiled when she saw the new new guys standing there. Charles was staring at Millie with a look of awe and amazement at she smiled up at him.

"Nice to meet you guys," Millie said, her blue eyes locked onto Charles' green ones. 

"You too," Sergey said as Millie looked away from Charles and looked at Sergey with a smile. 

"So, what teams do you guys drive for?" she asked.

"Williams," the Russian said as Millie turned to Charles. 

"Oh er, Sauber," he said as the blonde smiled. 

"That's pretty cool," she said smiling as she looked at him.

"So, without trying to make it sound like a pick up line, you come here often?" Charles said as Millie chuckled.

"A little bit yeah," she said smiling as Sergey walked away, leaving the two standing together. "I've known Max for a few years now and he usually invites me out to races and I go when I can."

"Oh nice," he said as she smiled. "Er, do you wanna grab a coffee or something?"

"Sure, I could do with a pick me up," she said smiling as the two walked out of the paddock canteen and made their way to their nearest coffee shop. The other drivers watched them leave while Max had a grin on his face.

"They'll get together before the end of the season," he said, "I'm calling it now."

"Really?" Kimi laughed.

"Yeah!" Max said, "did you not see the way they looked at each other?"

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"So, you were fourteen when you auditioned for X-Factor?" he asked shocked as she nodded. 

"Yep," she said as she sipped her coffee. "I really didn't want to go to school. I don't know how my mam agreed to it." Charles let out a laugh as she chuckled. 

"How did you find it?" he asked, "growing up in the spotlight?"

"It was weird," she said chuckling, "very different from a normal teenagers life at least. How about you? You started karting young right?"

"I did yeah," he said nodding, "when I was eight."

"That's pretty impressive," she said as Charles smiled. 

"I try," he said as she chuckled. 

"So you speak French?"

"How did you know?" he asked as she chuckled.

"I'm not weird," she said chuckling, "it's your accent, it sounds slightly French."

"I'm actually from Monaco," he said as she nodded, "but Monacan and French sound the same, but yeah I speak French, as well as Italian, and English obviously, with an understanding of Spanish. How about you?"

"Um, I speak English obviously," she said chuckling as Charles smiled, "I'm fluent in Japanese, Spanish and a little bit of French."

"That's impressive," he said as she smiled and shrugged.

"So, what made you get into karting?" she asked. 

"My dad used to drive for Formula 3 so probably that," he said, "and my god-father, Jules Bianchi, helped me with everything as well." Millie smiled as she looked at him. 

"I'm sorry about them both," she said as Charles nodded, "I read about what happened to Jules and Max told me about your father."

"Thanks," he said smiling as she nodded.

"I know this is a silly question and it gets asked a lot," she said, "but you doing okay?" Charles hesitated.

"Before my dad died, I lied to him and told him I got signed for Ferrari before I got signed for any team," he said, "I knew he wasn't going to make it to the end of the week, and I wanted one of the last things I told him to be something he'd be proud of." Millie nodded.

"Who knows," the blonde said, "maybe one day you will get signed for Ferrari."

"Doubtful," he said before he sipped his coffee, "you have to be really good to drive for them."

"And you're not?" she asked. "Only the best make it into F1 and oh look, here you are." Charles chuckled as she smiled. 

"Are you doing anything this weekend?" he asked as she shook her head. "I think we're planning on going out after the race, if you wanna come along?"

"Sure," she said smiling, "I'll be there."

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