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I don't know if you guys would like to see another character's P.O.V, but I feel like it's too early in the story to do that, but If you really want it to happen, please suggest which character you'd want it to be in the comments.

Thank you!!!

Have fun my little artists!! (you know, cuz tattoo artists and tattooed is the book's name...you know what Imma shut up now.)


As my eyes fluttered open, I realized two things. Firstly, this was my second time passing out in the King's mansion - ugh how embarrassing - and secondly, I had a massive headache!

I winced as I sat up, and suddenly a glass of water was thrust into my hands. Sipping it gratefully, I looked up into the bottomless black pools Marc had as eyes and felt myself squirm uncomfortably under his gaze.

I looked around and realized that I was in my room, when I clearly remember that I fell asleep in the gazebo, so that means that someone - probably Marc - had carried me here.

"Miss. Are you feeling okay? I found you unconscious in the gazebo down at the garden." I nodded at Marc's words, suddenly very conscious of the fact that it was just the two of us in my room.

"Yeah, sorry to cause you the trouble of looking after me, I guess I just have this fainting spells every now and then. Um...did...did you carry me here?"

I noticed a faint blush spread on his cheeks, but his eyes remained as cold as ever.

"Yes, I did, as it is my duty as your assigned personal servant." I winced at the way that sounded.

Personal servant? Hmm....I suddenly had a flashback to when Gabriel told me I would get one soon.

Huh. You'd think I'd get a personal servant of the same gender so I'd at least feel a bit comfortable but noooooooo.

They just had to pair me with a super hot guy.

Inwardly, I sighed. Was everyone in this house beautiful except me?

"Okay Marc, thank you for that, but from now own I don't want you or anyone else referring to you as my 'personal servant' okay?"

He looked at me, a small frown forming on his angelic features. "But...that is what I am, it is my job. You are my mistress."

I couldn't help the way my nose scrunched up upon hearing the last part of his sentence.

"O-kay then, as your mistress, my first order is for you to refer to yourself as my official personal assistant from now on. Got it?"

I noticed he wasn't happy with my order, but he knew he was defeated an nodded anyway.

"Of course Miss Ivaelaena. Is there anything else you would like?"

"I have a a massive headache, can you get me something for it?"

"Of course."

He bowed, and then left my room, closing the door softly behind him.

Immediately he left, I let a small scream erupt from me, entangling myself in the duvet.

I swear the only thing I'm good at is embarrassing myself.

I picked up my phone which was on the table beside my bed, and my eyes widened at the time.

How on earth was it 12:30 already? I must've been asleep for a while then.

I scrolled through my phone mindlessly, my eyes coming to rest on my literally empty contact list.

My heart ached for something I never had, but longed to experience.

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