5 1 0

If there's one thing I learned about Marc, it's that the guy does NOT give up, like ever.

We restricted our game to just the first floor ( the floor where my room was) because the house was too big and it wouldn't be easy or fair.

Also...I would probably get lost.

We rolled a virtual dice to see who'd go hiding first and it ended up being Marc. I counted up to 60 and then, I began to search.

I checked every room; the indoor pool, all the indoor courts, Raven, Xander and Jordan's room but he was in none of them.

I sighed, blowing a bit of hair out of my face. Where did this guy disappear to?

We had given a time limit of 5 minutes to find each other, and once the 5 minutes were over and one of us hadn't found the other, we'd meet up in my room to restart the game.

Whoever did not get found the most amount of times would be declared the winner.

I checked the timer I had set on my phone and realized I had only a minute left to look for Marc. I groaned out loud, but inside I felt all giddy and happy, that I at least had someone to play with.

"Oh Marc~~" I called out to the empty hallway, sprinting down it and opening every single room. "Where are you??" I pushed open my room door, realizing that this was the only place I hadn't checked.

Suddenly, Marc shot out from under my bed, holding up his phone, showing the timer that read 00:00, meaning I had lost. Again.

Marc chuckled at my pouty face, and I felt a bit of satisfaction at the fact that he had began to warm up to me, the only problem was that he wouldn't stop referring to me with titles.

"Miss," He begun, pulling himself up to his feet. "With all due respect, I think you are awful at this game."

"Whatever." I replied, sulking. So far the score was 4-1, but I wasn't ready to give up. We played a few more rounds, and although I was feeling slightly exhausted, it seemed like Marc had an endless supply of energy, and I didn't want to stop, especially as he looked so happy and carefree.

Now, I was the one hiding, and so far Marc had almost caught me about half a dozen times. I had just run out from a supply closet, which I had found out was placed on each floor and dashed into the nearest room, which belonged to Xander.

I had looked in here a few times but never really looked at it, and so as I hid in his closet I looked round the room through a small space between the doors.

The first thing I noticed was that there were a lot of photos.

They were literally everywhere, hanging on walls, dropping from the ceiling, even on his mirror.

I couldn't really make out what was on the photos, but most of them looked like scenery or something.

He had a massive king sized bed with white and caramel brown sheets, and his walls were the same shade as well.

I noticed how his room had a permanent dim lighting and a large tv as well. His room wasn't plain or bland, but it wasn't as unnecessarily huge as Jordan's and everything seemed to have a specific purpose, even though there wasn't a lot of things.

Suddenly I heard the door open, and I held my breath, silently accepting defeat.

I heard some rustling and I assumed Marc was checking under the bed or something. It wouldn't be long before he found me.

Then... I heard footsteps heading in my direction, and I decided that I would scare Marc as soon as he opened the closet doors, just for fun.

I braced myself and I let out a loud scream as soon as the doors opened, a huge grin on my face.

That grin soon deflated as soon as an irritated and angry looking Xander stood in front of me in all his 6 foot glory, glaring at me like I was the most disgusting thing ever.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" He said angrily, and I knew that the only thing keeping from getting a punch to the face was my gender.

That, ladies and gentlemen, was when I knew, that I had fucked up.


"AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed like a madwoman as I ran down the hallway, Xander not far behind.

"Get back here you poor little shit! You are gonna explain to me exactly what the fuck you were doing in my room!!!"

I dashed into my room, locking the door quickly behind me, resting my back on it. I felt a dull ache in my chest and I gulped in air desperately.

I opened my eyes which I had shut tightly just to see Marc standing a few feet away, staring at me with a mix of confusion and fear.

"Miss...? Is everything okay?"

I shook my head frantically, and felt the door jerk when Xander pushed against it, trying to open it.

"Where were you? You were supposed to find me!"

Marc looked surprised. "But the time was up, didn't you check your phone?"

A beat passed and we just stared at each other, and I cursed my stupidity.

Oh shit.

"Uh...no. But bad news; I hid in Xander's room and now he's out for my blood!"

"He's the one banging the door?"


Suddenly I heard a growl. "You can't hide in your room forever plant girl. You just wait."

And then I heard him leave.

I felt myself sink to the floor and covered my face with my hands.

Why do I keep getting myself in these type of situations?

Wait a minute though...plant girl?

I pondered on it for a second.

Oh... My name...Ivy...

Suddenly, I felt Marc pull my hands away from my face, forcing me to look into his beautiful, dark eyes.

He looked kind of upset, and I wondered why when I was the one about to be murdered.

"I'm sorry Miss. This is all my fault, maybe if I had found you in time Master Xander wouldn't be upset."

I shook my head at him, wondering what on earth was wrong with him.

"Marc that's utter nonsense, it's my fault actually, for being so stupid and getting carried away with the game."

I used my fingers to grab his chin and make him look me in the eye.

"When this blows over promise you'll play with me again."

A small smile formed on his face and he hooked pinkies with me.

"Is that an order?"

"Yes it is."

"Then I promise."


Heyyyyy My little Artists!!!

Who's looking forward to lollapalooza???(⁠^⁠^⁠)

I know I am!!!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter😚

Guess the song?

~I'm up above the world so high I'll be there shining day and night~

As always don't forget to



and Share!!

And check out Ivy's insta as well ╰(*°▽°*)╯

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