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It was safe to say that after the whole fiasco with Xander, I basically didn't leave my room for the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, Marc couldn't stay with me, because he apparently had some duties to attend to.

I didn't want to be a brat and ask him to stay for my own selfish benefits when he had other, much more important things to do, even though I knew I could've ordered him to and he'd have no choice.

Anyways, I had specially requested for my dinner to be brought up to my room, and to my utter surprise, the menu was in German this time.

To say I was both annoyed and flabbergasted would be a huge understatement.

After some awkward conversations with the pretty maid who brought the menu and consulting google translate, I had a nice, cold bowl of Spaghettieis, and even though I knew it wasn't technically food, it did much to put me in a better mood.

I swear, ice cream was the solution to all girl problems.

Anyway, after dinner Marc came to check up on me, which was honestly so sweet of him to do, I totally wasn't expecting it but he left soon after, much to my dismay.

I decided that I would put my gaming set to use, since I hadn't even touched it at all and I was bored out of my mind.


My eyes tracked the moving figures on my screen, and I felt my back ache a little from being in an awkward position too long but my eyes still remained glued to the screen, the beautiful blue and white headphones I had on blocking me from the rest of the world.

Suddenly, the lights in my room went off.

My brows furrowed in confusion, and I paused my game, taking my headphones off.

I clapped my hands twice, and to my utter surprise the lights didn't turn on.

That's when I felt the fear strike my poor, poor heart.

I found myself relying solely on the faint light emitting from my computer screen, and I so desperately wished for the safety of my duvet, but I didn't dare make a move to get up from my swiveling chair, wondering who was in my room with me, because I sure as hell wasn't alone anymore.

Suddenly I heard the click of a lock and my eyes widened in alarm realizing I was trapped with whoever was in here.

I felt a little whimper escape me and my hands began to tremble, before full on shaking.

My breaths came out faster and my chest begun to hurt.

It felt like the walls were closing in on me, and I closed my eyes, trying to ease my anxiety and meaningless paranoia, because there was no way I was in actual harm.


My brain knew that, but my heart and the rest of my body seemed to oppose that fact, and I held in the urge to scream.

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I was lifted into the air, and a scream so loud it could probably shatter windows escaped me.

Startled, my captor dropped me carelessly on my bed, causing me to roll around a bit.

Quickly I scrambled to my knees and grabbed my phone, turning on the flashlight and pointing it down in the direction my groaning captor.

"XANDER?!!" I exclaimed, and he winced, sitting up slowly and running his hands through his black hair.

His blue eyes settled on me and I shivered at the intensity of his glare.

"Damn, did you swallow a dolphin or something? You scream like a bitch."

I furrowed my eyebrows, not so sure what to say to that.


"Ugh." He stood to his full height, making me feel like an atome compared to him. "My ears still hurt, can you shut up?!"

I scowled at him, feeling myself stand on the bed, just so he'd have to look up at me.

"You don't get to say that. You can't just walk into my room and play pranks like that!"

"Like you did this afternoon?" He countered back.

I grew quiet, because it was true.

"But I apologized!"

"And I said I'll get my revenge."

With that he stuffed his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants and basically strutted out of my room.

I was left gaping at his retreating shadow and I realized with a start that I had no idea how he hacked my light settings.

Just to confirm I clapped my hands twice to turn on the lights...and they turned on.


I flopped down on my bed, recounting the events of the past few minutes.

I can't believe I basically had a panic attack.

And all because of Xander too.

Tomorrow was school, and I felt my heart beat in anticipation...and fear.

The new faces, new bullies, new everything.

I wasn't used to a luxurious lifestyle, and I feared the prissy kids would be able to tell I wasn't really related to the Kings, and I'd be an outcast.

As per usual.

I sighed, running my hands through my hair and was about to take a shower when my room door opened again, and in walked Jordan, in all his adidas-clad glory.

His eyes lit up when he saw me, and he quickly jumped onto the bed, and I barely managed to escape from his oncoming bear hug.

He pouted and his rose red lips- that were so pretty it was unfair to the rest of the female population- jutted out cutely.

"But I missed you so much today Ivy. You don't want a hug from me?"

I pushed his way to close face away using my index finger, not even bothering to fight the huge grin forming on my face.

It was crazy how Xander and Jordan both managed to produce different reactions from me, even though they were literally two halves of the same whole.

"Of course I missed you Jordan, but I think I'll pass on the hug."

His face fell, but only slightly, and he thankfully didn't press on the topic.

He chatted away about what happened in school and told me how much I'd love it.

"Are you looking forward to your first day?"

I nodded slowly. "I mean... yeah but it's mostly nerves though. I'm just a jumbled mess."

He laughed, and I realized I really liked the sound.

"It'll be fine, trust me. Everyone will love you."

I sighed, silently praying he was right.


Heyyyy my little artists, how you been??

I actually went on a little vacation so now I have limitless wifi, so expect a lot of updates ;⁠)

Guess the song:

~ Why you think 'bout nudes cuz your view's so rude~

Anyways stay lovely guys, and as always don't forget to

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Don't be a silent reader please 😭😭

Side note : Skz finally have their own insta!! Yayyy

Don't forget to check out Ivy's insta guyssss....byeee

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