The Ocean

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I just want to sit by the ocean.
The ocean whose waves drown out the noise in my head.
The crash of the waves against the shore distract me from everything that conflicts me.
But at night, when the waves are wild, I feel like I'm drowning.
The waves take over the shore and pull me in, leaving me incapable of taking a breath.
Hours go by, and I feel like I'm drowning.
But when morning comes, I'm sitting by the ocean.
The waves are calm and my mind is tame.
That's what loving her was like.
When we were in love, it was like sitting by the ocean.
The waves bringing peace, the waves of her.
But when we started to fall out of love, the waves began to drown me.
The ocean reminds me of her, it's different moods and its peaceful, yet destructive nature.
I still love to sit by the ocean, whose waves drown me and bring me peace all at the same time.
I'll continue to sit by the ocean, it reminds me of what I left behind.

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