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It doesn't make me sad anymore to say,
that the day I emotionally detached finally came.
Suddenly, I didn't care who you were with.
I didn't care if someone else had your kiss.
One day Her lips made me forget.
Her touch shot through me like adrenaline.
I didn't need to talk to you everyday.
Her soft voice took away my pain.
Her smile made me think I could be okay.
Now I'm emotionally attached instead of emotionally drained.
You don't cross my mind anymore.
I no longer wonder what I could have fought for.
I felt at peace on the day that I emotionally detached,
I'm glad it finally came.
Now I look into someone else's eyes.
That special shade of green leaves me mesmerized.
Even in a crowded place,
she pulls me in and rests her hand on my face.
Now I know secrecy was never for me,
and with her I'm just allowed to be.
I'm glad that that day finally came,
now I no longer have to love in pain.

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