Chapter 3

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Abby was laying on his chest, a heavy weight to wake him up from his sleep. When he opened his eyes, he was looking into her big brown eyes, the smell of her dog breath fanning his face.

"Yucky," he mumbled, looking sideways, but it didn't stop the dog from beginning to lick all over his face. "Abby!"

The dog looked innocently at him, her head tilted slightly sideways.

Louis gently pushed her aside, sitting up. "How did you even get in here, you big fur ball?"

Of course, she didn't answer. She just looked up at him with big eyes, wagging her tail back and forth.

Louis' eyes landed on the door. It was slightly open. He scratched behind Abby's ears. "You know how to use a door handle, sweetie?"

She licked his palm.

"That's what I thought." Louis swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his eyes landing on the window. The sun was only just peeking above the horizon. "God, Abby! It's too early to be awake now."

She came over and licked his cheek. Louis giggled, scratching her behind the ear. "Alright, I can't be mad at you. You're waaaaay too cute for that, you little minx."

Abby followed him as he stood up from the bed, walking over to his suitcase. She sniffed it and snatched one of Louis' socks as he opened it.

"Hey!" He grabbed it, but Abby wouldn't let go. Finally, after a few minutes, she let go and made her way out of the room again.

Louis grabbed a T-shirt, jeans, the matching sock to the one Abby had been chewing on, a pair of boxers, and a big breath of I-am-gonna-survive-this. He straightened his back and went into the hallway. And on tippy-toes, he made his way over to his bathroom, quickly walking inside.

It wasn't a big bathroom, much longer than it was broad. But it still did have a shower and a tub in one. Louis quickly stripped out of his boxers and T-shirt, stepping into the shower.

He turned it on, sighing.

* * *

He dried his hair, looking at himself in the mirror, something he had refrained from doing lately. His cheeks were more hollow than usual, though his skin had already gotten a bit more colour from the Texas sun. His ribs were more prominent than they had been a year ago, but they were far better than before he got sent to the hospital with his overdose.

He swallowed as the memory washed over him. It hadn't been on purpose. It really hadn't, but everything had just been so shit, and Louis had felt so alone, sitting in the park. He was supposed to meet up with his friend, Nick, to get stoned, but Nick bailed on him. So he decided to get stoned alone.

And he almost died.

And shortly after he had woken up his dad was there.

And now here he was. In Texas.

He ran a hand over his face, letting out a puff of air. He wanted to go home. He wanted to go a year back in time, to when everything was good. His grades were perfect, he had a bright future... he had his mother. So many things would be different if she had still been there.

He straightened his back, turning around, his back facing the mirror. He reached down to grab his selected clothes, pulling it on.

Once he left the bathroom, he began walking down the hallway but quickly stopped. Abby was standing by a door, on her hind legs, front paws pressing down on the handle. The door opened, and she went inside.

"Sneaky fucker," Louis mumbled, grinning slightly. He walked closer, sneaking a peak into the room. His eyes landed on Abby first but then moved on to the bed. It was big, a look-alike to Louis', and on it was Harry, wearing nothing but his boxers. He was still sleeping, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He was laying on his back, and Louis could see the faint outline of tattoos on his body, but due to the dim light, he couldn't make them out.

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