Chapter 26

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Louis watched in horror for about two seconds, but then he, too, jumped off the ATV, grabbed the bag with the rug and hay, and ran to Harry's side where he was crouching by the animal.

It wasn't only Billy's leg that had been damaged. His whole body was carrying the wounds of his journey through the forest. Cuts and scrapes, blood soaking into his dark coat. Harry was by Billy's head, stroking over his muzzle. "Oh, Billy," Louis heard him utter.

Louis crouched down next to him, opening the bag. He pulled out the rug, not saying a word. He lay it over Billy's body, the rain now hitting the rug instead of his body. Not that it helped much.

He let the hay stay in the bag. He doubted Billy would have the strength to do anything in his current condition.

"Harry," he asked over the storm, "what will we do?"

He found it funny, that since they had woken up, he and Harry had barely communicated with each other through words, mostly through actions. Louis felt like most of the time he could read Harry just from his body language, but right now he was truly clueless.

"We can't transport him like this," Harry muttered. "He... He can't walk. God, Louis, He can't walk." It was first now Louis noticed the tears on Harry's cheeks. 

"I know," he whispered, lightly touching Harry's shoulder. A part of him was afraid to touch the other man. Maybe he would break if he did. It felt that way. Louis felt so incredibly small and helpless.

Harry took a shuddering breath. "The vet. We need her out here." He grasped for his phone, pulling it out. "Fuck! No signal."

"Shit." Louis carded his fingers through his hair stressfully. "Um... I could drive the ATV back. I could get the vet out here."

"You would want to do that?" Harry asked. "It's dangerous to do it here, and—and you haven't done it a lot. Maybe I should—"

"No." Louis shook his head. "Stay with him. I will be back as quickly as I can with the vet. With help."

"I..." Harry looked down at the ground, at Billy. The horse's eyes were half closed, its breaths coming heavy.

"We need to be quick, Haz," Louis said, the wind roaring in his ears.

Harry let out an exhale. "Fuck, alright." He looked to Louis, his eyes wet. "Please be safe."

Louis nodded, his jaw tight. "Don't worry about me."

"I don't think I will ever not worry about you," Harry said.

Louis smiled, though slightly sadly. "I will be safe. And fast." He placed his hand above Harry's where it was resting on Billy's neck. He squeezed. "Be right back."

He stood up, running to the ATV. As he jumped onto the vehicle, he cast a look in Harry's direction. The wind was tearing at his hair, the rain hitting his skin harshly. His hand was stroking over Billy's neck, his lips whispering sweet nothings lost in the wind.

Louis started the ATV and began the drive back down the path.

It wasn't that dark out, but the path was hard to see in the rain. More than once Louis wasn't even sure he was driving in the right direction. He was used to have Harry with him, guiding him.

He was cold into his bones, and as he drove, he noticed that he himself was crying. He hadn't been able to focus on himself, but now the tears were streaming. How long had they been streaming?

When he was alone, his mind tended to start to wander. This time was no different. He thought about how just hours ago, everything had been bright. They had had the party, they had danced, they had laughed. Money was going in, and a plan had slowly begun to form in Louis' head, but now there was a broken roof and cold horses, and one with a broken leg in the middle of the forest.

By The HillsideWhere stories live. Discover now