Chapter 28

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There was exactly one week left of Louis' stay in Texas, and he wanted to spend every last second by Harry's side. That, unfortunately, was not something he could do, because Harry was back at work. He spent his noon in his office, calling people who could fix the stable, paying the vet bills, and trying to arrange meetings with companies they possibly could supply for.

Louis also knew he spent a lot of his time occupied so he wouldn't break down crying. Again.

While Harry did that, Louis was allowed to borrow his truck and drive into town. Louis wanted new books.

He parked in front of the bookshop. He stepped out of the truck, unlocking it. The summer weather had returned, and Louis could almost try and convince himself the night had never happened. But his sore throat and heavy heart were a fresh reminder of everything that had taken place.

Louis walked into the shop, the small bell chiming above his head. There weren't a lot of people in there, and Louis knew none of them. Harry probably did.

He walked to the romance aisle. He wanted something cosy, something warm, an ending he knew would end well. He looked over the books, his eyes landing on one named Best Men. He read over the description on the back, nodding to himself. It would do.

He went to the register, paid, and left the shop. Now he had bought a book, so now he could do what he had actually come to town to do: buy a gift for Harry.

He wanted to have something to give him once they were to depart in seven days. Something Harry could use to remind him of Louis until they would see each other again.

Louis drove the truck around town a little bit, looking at the different shops, and what they had to offer. It was a small town, and they didn't have that much to offer, but he did end up finding a store selling vintage things.

Louis parked the car in front of the rather large building and stepped out. It was funny how he had accommodated the style there. He hadn't worn his Vans in weeks, and his hoodies had been replaced by button-ups and T-shirts (his hoodies were only for when in bed now). He was wearing the boots Harry had given him, jeans with a big-buckled belt, and a white T-shirt. He had left the cowboy hat in the truck.

When he returned to London, he would probably have to return to the other version of himself.

He didn't like the idea of that.

He walked to the store, the smell of dust hitting him as he stepped inside. It was a bit dark-lit in there, due to things standing up the windows, blocking out all light. It was packed, and Louis didn't notice the small woman walking to him before she was standing in front of him.


Louis, startled, backed away. "I—Hi."

She smiled warmly. Her head reached about Louis' mid-abdomen. "Sorry, love. I'm not the biggest or the loudest, so I understand if I startled you."

Louis let out a breath. "It's alright."

She gave him a crooked grin. "Now, can I help you with anything?"

Louis wet his lips. "Well, I'm... eh, looking for a gift to give my... my... boyfriend." The word sat oddly right in Louis' mouth. "I was wondering if I might find it here."

"Oh." She clasped her hands together. "That's lovely. What does your boyfriend like?"

"Um." It was moments like these where Louis realised he still had so much to discover about Harry. "That's a good question. We haven't been together for long. It's my first time buying him something."

By The HillsideWhere stories live. Discover now