Nine: Can we talk?

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 CAN WE TALK?——————————————— aka

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

aka. questions being asked

a/n: any type of interaction helps me to update and I love reading comments, so pls don't be a ghost reader!!

Knock knock.

After calling it a night and going upstairs, all Calista could think about were the words that came out both Conrad and Jeremiah's mouth that night. That's why she found herself at Belly's door.

"it's just that I really like her but she's going on drive in dates with different guys, and don't get me started on her and Conrad—"

On top of that, the argument between Belly and Conrad made Cali feel like she was being kept out of something.

"Bells can I ask you something?" Cali peeked through the door after a quiet voice told her to come in.

Belly sat up in her bed, "yeah sure, what's up?"

"Nothing big, I just wanted to see if you were ok after that whole thing with you and Conrad," she trailed off not knowing where to go with her words.

Belly said nothing, Cali was hoping she would pick up the conversation.

"Straight to the point though," She continued, I talked to Jer and he mentioned something between you and Conrad too?"

Belly was quiet for a moment. "Oh," she realized what Cali was implying, "no no it's not like that at all, I wouldn't do that especially after what happened between you two."

Everything in Calista wanted herself to believe that Bells wouldn't do anything like that, but with what she knew it was hard. She felt guilty for being suspicious and it amplified when she thought about Belly's birthday being the next day.

Belly kicked her out of her thoughts, "speaking of you and Conrad, what actually happened? You never told me."

Calista sighed and played with Belly's blanket, "I don't even know what fully happened, he stopped talking to me before."

"Before?" Belly asked.

Cali stood up to leave feeling a wave of tiredness, "Before I knew what he did."


"Where's your gift?" As they made their way down the stairs, she noticed everyone held something but Conrad.

He shrugged in response.

Things like that were making Calista worried for Conrad. She was well aware of the things he was yet to apologize for, but at the end of the day she still cared. It took everything in her to not get angry at herself each time she admitted it.

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