Eleven: Jealously Jealousy

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 JEALOUSY JEALOUSY ———————————————aka

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aka. half of what everyone's waiting for

a/n: commenting and voting helps me update and I love reading them, so pls don't be a ghost reader!!

Isabel Conklin never got jealous.

She told herself she wasn't jealous the first night they snuck out without her. She told herself she wasn't jealous everytime Conrad's face lit up indicating that Cali walked into a room. She said she wasn't when Calista took his gaze away from her.

Over and over she shook it off, telling herself the same thing each time.

Her repetitive thoughts played nonstop in her head on the night she soon grew to regret.

The setup left her in awe. Fairy lights were strung leaving a warm hue over the picnic blanket paired with an assortment of pillows overlooking the water. A bench served as a mini food bar next to a laptop. It was perfect.

Belly pushed down her curiosity of why the bench, that seemed to be out of place, was where Conrad decided to place their picnic, and gave him a hug, "Conrad this, this is amazing!" She laughed.

He broke away from the hug smiling, "I did try my best, do you think—"

He didn't get to finish, she was already moving closer to the picnic setup and reached for a pastry bag, "I love these—"

"Wait, I only have two of those."

"What do you mean? I'm right here," she laughed, opening the bag a bit wider.

His face showed a hint of realization before guilt took over, "they're- those are for Calista and me. I'm planning on making it official tonight."

"Oh," she murmured, abashed by her belief that it was for her. After these past couple weeks, it should've been clear it was for Calista and not her. "Yeah," she pushed her hair behind her ear and licked her lips, "of course."

Conrad nodded, brushing it off for Belly's sake, "I know it's almost seven, but do you think you can text Calista at eight to come meet you here? She would actually be meeting me obviously, but I want it to be a surprise." He started to trail off, "I did think about telling her myself but I know I would have ruined the surprise and I'm actually expecting her at eight thirty but tell her eight because she's always late—"

"Ok I get it," Belly's tone turned harsh, she knew it was wrong but with the combination between her embarrassment and the attempt to not be angry, it was hard to act like nothing happened.

"Thank you thank you thank you," he went to hug her again, but this time her hope of it being anything more than platonic vanished completely.

"Yeah," she then got out her phone and walked back to the house, tapping on a familiar contact. Angry tears blurred her vision as she typed in the text and sent it, then another one to follow.

She didn't get jealous, but she wanted to watch it all play out. At 8, she watched the recipient of her text walk towards the setup's direction and disappear from sight.

Ten minutes later, Calista, the recipient of her second text, walked out of the beach house towards the same direction.

It wasn't long before she watched Calista's tear filled eyes as the girl retreated from the beach setup.

To Belly, it was guiltily satisfying. The satisfaction did go away once she reminded herself of the possibility of her two closest friends finding out. If they did, Calista and Conrad's relationship wouldn't be the only one with a tragic end.

Why did she let it get to this? It astonishing how a relationship built on many years could vanish within seconds.

It was then she admitted to something to herself that she had been denying for as long as she could remember,

Isabel Conklin was jealous from the start.


any predictions, suggestions or comments? I would love to hear them please don't be a ghost reader!!

- please interact!! it helps me update so much more
- shorter chapter but everything will make sense soon lol I'm excited.

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