Fourteen: Distraction Club Pt.2

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where the club gets back together (the real part 2)

a/n: commenting and voting helps me update!!

The hallway seemed narrower as Calista made her way through the house, the muted sounds of the party downstairs adding to the headache of her frustration. In that short period of time, every word, every action, and every conversation fell into place.

Descending the stairs, the lively party clashed with her thoughts. Secondary glances from drunk teenagers hinted at rumors that would certainly go around at a place like Cousins.

A breeze brushed her face as she pushed the door open. Not wanting to draw attention, she kept her head down to walk past Conrad, Jere, and Cam Cameron as they played what seemed to be an intense game of cup pong.

Despite her efforts, Cam Cameron spotted her, prompting the two brothers to look in her direction as he called out her name, "Cali?"

Briefly glancing at them, she turned away, determined to escape the interaction and keep them from seeing the flush of emotions on her face.

Jeremiah abandoned the game, with Conrad in tow, pursuing her as she moved away from the house, "where  are you going? You can be on Conrad's team!" He held back a comment that she was missing the fun because the swing of the door cut him off.

"Cali!" Belly's voice rang out as she ran out of the house, "please!"

Unyielding, Calista kept walking, but Conrad caught her elbow, pressing for an explanation. "Calista, what's wrong?" It wasn't a surprise that Conrad could still read her like a book. He knew something was wrong before Cam called her out.

Once Belly came outside, Jere who was evidently drunk, went to her, leaving Conrad with Calista. Cali didn't mind, as long as she wasn't talking to her.

Conrad took her hands, unraveling them from their clenched state then spoke up, "Before you tell me—"

"It was her, Conrad."

Confusion clouded Conrad's expression. "Who?"

"Belly!" Calista tried to catch her breath, her words rushing out. "That day—by Bambi, with the lights and blankets—"

"How do you know about that?" He tried to hold it down but he started to feel anger, that day he waited for hours. "You never showed."

"I did," she replied, frustration evident. "I saw you with another girl, so I left."

"What?" Conrad's realization hit, "only Belly was..." Another girl had indeed come briefly, confusing Conrad about her presence. He spoke lowly making eye contact, "Belly was the only one with the location."

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