Fifteen: "Friends"

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a/n: commenting and voting helps me update and I love reading them, so pls don't be a ghost reader!!

Opening her eyes, Cali found herself in a room bathed in a gentle glow from a small lamp nestled in the corner of the room. Disoriented yet oddly content with the sleep she got, she rolled over in Nicole's guest bed, the sheets cool against her skin, as the events from the night before slowly seeped into her consciousness.

A soft groan escaped her lips as she sat up, fingers reaching instinctively toward first, to sweep the hair out of her face and then to the nightstand for her phone. However, her attention was interrupted by an unexpected presence in the room.

It wouldn't be hard to guess that Conrad Fisher was sprawled out on the ground next to her. The idea of retrieving her phone vanished as she studied the small space between the bed and the wall. Conrad had created a makeshift bed with nothing but a few sheets, appearing surprisingly comfortable despite the simplicity. Cali couldn't help but notice the familiar crinkle in his forehead, a distinctive feature from the summer before that brought back a cascade of memories.

In her drowsy state, Cali realized that her staring was a bit peculiar, especially considering Conrad was still in the throes of sleep. Before she could avert her gaze, she spotted a small rectangular object in his hand. With a rub of her eyes, she recognized, to her surprise, that it was her phone.

Pushing the covers down, Cali moved quickly, kneeling down beside Conrad's sleeping figure, and mumbled, "What the hell were you doing with my phone?"

Her fingers brushed Conrad's hand, prompting his eyes to snap open. The sudden movement startled them both as he shot up, narrowly missing Cali's head. "Oh shi—Cali? What are you doing?" His words came out in a groggy whisper-yell, filling the small room. "Your hair is short his time." He would never admit it but he did have interesting dreams about Cali that drove him crazy and plagued him with mixed thoughts. Usually her hair was longer like the year before, but this time it's short. "Your hair..."

"What am I doing? What are you doing?" Cali matched his original tone, ignoring his other lines and gesturing toward her phone that was almost fully concealed under the bed due to Conrad's abrupt awakening.

His eyes widened as he suddenly realized that it definitely wasn't a dream and he definitely had her phone. However, all he could manage was a mumbled explanation about needing to wake up early, his own phone dead, and remembering her password. His ramble was then interrupted by a loud ringing that came from a spot under the bed.

"So... yeah," Conrad concluded after his ramble, giving up and motioning to the blaring phone.

They both paused, the sound of the alarm ringing through the room. Cali eventually grabbed her phone, silencing the noise, and rose from her awkward kneeling position.

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