Four: Lies and Parties

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LIES AND PARTIES———————————————aka

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aka. Distraction Club Pt. 2

a/n: commenting and voting helps me update and I love reading them, so pls don't be a ghost reader!!

Calista immediately opened the door with her only goal being to find Belly. "Bells!" she yelled walking towards where she last saw her.

Conrad opened the door to see what was going on but Cali shut him down for the second time that night, telling him to stay in the car, locking it for good measure.

Running in the opposite direction of traffic was difficult, while she looked all she could comprehend were colored flashing lights, screaming teenagers, and an ear piercing siren.

Once she bumped into Belly, Calista noticed two things, 1. Bells had a new addition to her outfit and 2. She was holding a random guy's hand, who she assumed Belly's new sweater belonged to.

"Cali!" She said happy to find her, but then noticed her eyes were on person next to her. She dropped his hand, "Oh this is Cameron."

Cameron shot Cali an awkward smile. He held his hand out for her to shake, then immediately took it back scrunching up his face like the action hurt him to do.

He stood taller than Belly with tan skin and dark curly hair. It was hard to see his features in the dark but she could tell he wasn't ugly. Go bells! Wait no, what about Jer?

"Nice, but we need to go." They stood still nodding so Calista added "Like now."

When they made it to her car, she was surprised to see Jeremiah talking to Conrad from the window. Calista bit her lip thinking about what his reaction would be to Belly's new guy. She watched his expression go from relief to confusion once he noticed a third person with them.

He looked at Calista confused, but she shrug her shoulders. "Belly, are you riding with me or Cali?" He questioned not looking too happy.

"Cam can give me a ride home." Belly said pointing to Cameron.

"Yeah that's no problem," he added nodding a bit too aggressive.

Jeremiah disagreed to that, "no, you're not getting in a car with some random guy you just met."

"I'm Cam. Cameron." He held his hand out for him to shake, reminding Calista of a few moments before that.

"You're name is Cam Cameron?" Jer questioned mockingly, not even looking at his hand.

"No it's ju- just Cam." He got the message that no one was going to shake his hand and out it down again.

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