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Next day Laura wake up and get ready to go to jipuraji law farm.

"Hi everyone" she said.
All replied," hi."

"Did you find any information?" Vincenzo asked.

"No, I am still working on it. Don't worry. You just take care of your case against Babel. About finding real chairman leave it to me for now." Laura replied

As they were talking, a tall handsome guy with brown curly hair came.
Laura was staring at him like a crazy.
Cha young said," what are you doing here junwoo?"

He replied," I just casually came to meet you, can't I? Who is she ? He asked looking at Laura who was staring at him like a hungry cat.

Vincenzo coughed and glared at Laura .

Oh, ummm Hi I am Vincenzo sister, nice to meet you.
And you are?

"I am jang junwoo a lawyer at Wusang." He replied.

So, Ms. Hong he was your intern who gives you information. Laura replied.

Cha young said," yes.

"Oh so you are a backstabber and a thief." She said.

"Well you can say that I am backstabber but I am not thief." He replied

"You are because you stole my heart." She giggled.

" You are really something." Junwoo replied.

'So Jang junwoo do you have Any plans tonight?"she asked

" Umm, no. Why ?"

"Wanna go for dinner?" She asked.

"Are you asking me out?"

"Well what do you think? I am asking you out on a date. Wanna come?" she smirked

"Oh okay." Junwoo was surprised by the boldness of her and how she is flirting with her.

Vincenzo, cha young and Mr Nam. was shocked by what is happening.

Then Junwoo said goodbye and leaves.
Vincenzo turned to Laura and said," what was that? When will you stop flirting with every boy you meet. We called you here so you can help us not play with boys and make boyfriends."

Laura replied," First of all do you think of me as a Playgirl. Huh?"

Vincenzo replied," yes I think so, You dated hundred of boys in Italy. Were you ever in serious relationship."

Laura replied," It's not my fault you scare every boy whom I go on date with, The person who never had a girlfriend is giving me advice."

Vincenzo said," well every guy you dated were scaredy cats."

Cha young interrupted," enough both of you, stop fighting." And you never had a girlfriend" she asked vincenzo.

"No, he is too scared to even confess to girl" Laura replied

Cha young laughed at her answer.

"Well I will get going." Laura said.

"Where are you going" Vincenzo asked.

"I am going to meet fake chairman of Babel". She replied.

"Why are you meeting him"? Cha young asked.

"To make him spill secrets."Laura replied

She went to Babel pharmaceuticals to meet Jang hanseo. As she reached the company.
Receptionist asked her," what can I do for you mam"?

"I want to meet Chairman Jang Hanseo."she replied

"Do you have a appointment?"
She replied," No, but why don't you ask him if he wants to meet Vincenzo's sister."

Receptionist called Mr. jang and said," You can go."

Laura replied," thanks."

As she went to Hanseo office

Hanseo asked her," Why do you want to meet me?"

"What is this, no hello or hi, sit down, I just came to talk to you.'

Hanseo sat down.

Laura said," I am really surprised that you are chairman of Babel but you look so innocent to do bad deeds."

Hanseo replied," umm. What are you talking about. I don't know."

Laura get up and moved closed to Hanseo and sat down on his table and pinched his cheek, and said," You are so cute, how long are you going put on act. Well if you want to be alive this is my phone number call me and tell me about the real chairman and if you dare to tell about this to the real chairman , I will kill you."

Hanseo was so scared that he didn't said anything.

Laura smirked and leaves his office.

At night

Laura was getting ready for his date with jungwoo as she wears the long sleeves white frock with a necklace and went to the restaurant they have to meet.

As she saw junwoo sitting there she rushed and hugged him .

"Oh, I missed you."Laura said

"Didn't we meet in the morning"he said

"It's been 10 hours" she said

Junwoo chuckled and said," you are looking pretty."

"I know, you are also looking handsome as always."she replied.

As their conversation goes and after dinner Laura went to hotel.

Next day

Laura was chilling and watching tv.
On other hand Vincenzo and cha young has to go to court for their case where they have decided to use Vincenzo as a witness

( You can see this scene in Vincenzo drama)

In evening

Junwoo has invited Laura to his home for a date

To be continued...........

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