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Jang Hanseok has revealed himself as Babel chairman and today he has to give some speech.
And vincenzo has planned a surprise for chayoung and Laura.


Hanseok was giving speech when a video started playing at the screen. And Vincenzo said," there is surprise, 1..2...3."

The blood dropped on Hanseok from ceiling and it was pig's blood often used as a mafia tricks. Laura was shocked ,"Oh my god, do you really have to do that, it's been so much time I saw this type of scene."

Later they all were sitting in room where Jung In-kook wanted to arrest hanseok but choi myunghee was saying that they had insulted Hanseok.
Then they hear clicking of heels on ground as Laura came. She went closer to hanseok as she puts her hand on his shoulders and whispered in her ear but loudly that everyone can hear," It was just a prank, anyway you looked hot in the blood." She kissed him on his cheek and went to sit on chair opposite to him.

Hanseok chucked and said," I never thought you can stoop so low."

Laura replied," well about our deal I think you already choosed Babel."

Hanseok said," I may have choosen Babel but I didn't let to go"

Then Vincenzo gave the evidence and they all went to jipuraji law firm.

At firm

All were drinking coffee and talking casually when Laura stood up and ran to washroom to throw up. Vincenzo and cha young rushed behind her.

Vincenzo said," Are you okay?"

Cha young said," did you eat something from outside "

Laura replied," no, I am feeling sickness from morning."

"I think we should go to hospital."cha young said.

"Okay, chayoung and me will go, you stay here." Laura replied.

At hospital

After going through tests the doctor came with reports and said," Congratulations Ms. Cassano you are pregnant."

"What.., tell me you are joking." She replied.

"No, It's true, it's been 2 weeks."doctor said.

"Oh my god, who is the father?." Cha young looked at her.

"Jang Hanseok, no it can't happen." She started crying.

"Let's go home and thanks doctor." Cha young grabbed her arm and rushed to her apartment.

At cha young house

"Are you feeling okay, now?"cha young asked

"Yes, It's just I don't know what to do now, It's all my fault."she said

"It's not your fault Laura, if it's anyone fault it's mine, I am the one who dragged everyone into this mess and you." Cha young said

"Cha young don't blame yourself. And one more thing don't tell Vincenzo about it."she said

"Okay, so what are you going to do."cha young asked

"I think I should tell hanseok." She said

"Do you really think that he cares?" Cha young said.

" but I have to tell him he has right to know and maybe his opinion will change, there's no harm in trying." She replied.

"okay it's your decision, I support you no matter what." Cha young said.

"Thanks cha young," saying she hugged her.

Later at night

She sent text to hanseok

"Hi, I have something important to tell you meet me tomorrow at our favorites cafe"

"What happened?"

"I just want to tell you something "

" okay but can we meet at my apartment."


To be continued............

Vincenzo 2.0Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant