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Eleanor and Peter had been staying with Jason and Sarah for less than a day before Sarah had invited Eleanor's two younger half-siblings over whilst their parents worked. Peter was talking to Jason, whilst he ate cereal, and Sarah was working on something upstairs so Eleanor was left to baby-sit her siblings.

"What did you do when you were on the ship in space?" Ezra asked, and the nine-year-old was staring at his older sister in wonder.

Eleanor shrugged, "Mainly listen to music. 70s music."

"Did you listen to Taylor Swift?" Lisa asked, as she flicked through the tv channels. She was sitting on the floor with her legs crossed in a weird way with a bunch of Legos on the floor in front of her.

"No, who's Taylor Swift?" asked Eleanor, and she suddenly became self-conscious when her brother slowly turned his head, giving her a stare.

"What do you mean 'who's Taylor Swift?'" he asked in disbelief, "You've never heard of Taylor Swift?"

"No. I'm guessing she's a singer?"

"She sings songs," confirmed Lisa, "Daddy and Ez love her."

"Lees, put on one of her songs!"

"Which one?" Lisa flicked the tv over to YouTube.

"Shake it off, it's for newbies."

Eleanor's face dropped as the music started to play. It was nothing like what she liked to listen to. She looked towards the kitchen door where her dad and great-grandfather still were, "Please, Dad, save me." she muttered, as Ezra started to sing very loudly in her ear. Lisa was singing along on the floor, and Eleanor looked extremely distressed.

A few hours later, they had left and Eleanor had a quieter lunch with the others. Peter had burst out laughing when Eleanor told them about the hours of Taylor Swift and how she wished to have knocked her siblings out with the tv remote. Sarah had rolled her eyes and told her that violence wasn't something that should be happening and praised about, but Jason gave her a secret wink and told her that since the kids could talk, they had been obsessed with the singer and had forced him to listen to hours of her music also.

It was about five when there was another knock at the door. Eleanor secretly prayed that it wasn't her mom at the door even though she had told her that she was willing to be in Serena's life. When Eleanor opened the door, her jaw dropped seeing the dark-haired boy in front of her.

"Hi, Ellie." he smiled.

"Teddy!" she threw her arms around the boy, "You got my letter!"

The boy closed off the hug, holding the girl's body close to his, "I did!" he replied happily, "How have you been?"

Eleanor paused. There was a lot she hadn't told Teddy about, "Well, a new Gamora came back to help us on a mission to save Rocket's life but I told her that I didn't want her in my life. We found out that Rocket was a product of horrific animal testing, and we saved some little hamster human children and also lots of animals. Uh, my mom found me so I now have a stepdad and two younger siblings. How about you?"

He smiled, "That sounds shit. Well, uh, my brother and I fought against this man who revealed our true identities to everyone so then we asked Mr. Strange man to undue that, but we actually ended up getting all the people who know spiderman across the multiverse to come here and then we had to fight against the multiple bad guys. And my aunt died, and now everyone has forgotten us apart from you apparently because you weren't here."

"Teddy, you can't say that mine sounds shit and then tell me all of that, what the hell!"

He smiled again, "Sorry, my bad."

"I'm so sorry about your aunt," she said, "She looked like a very lovely woman to me, but of course I never met her."

"This might be a horrible time," Teddy said, as the two were still clinging onto each other on Eleanor's great-grandfather's porch, "But I have loved you ever since I saw you on Titan. I was too scared to say anything, then we died for five years, brought back only to fight again and then you left for three years. Now you're back, I feel like it's the only right time. I don't want to loose you again."

Eleanor smiled, "I loved you too. I must say that it wasn't our first meeting as we tried to kill each other, but you definitely warmed up to me." Teddy laughed, and the two leaned in together. Their lips connected and Eleanor felt the happiest she had felt in years.

"Oi!" the two broke apart to see Peter glaring at them through the window, "No snogging on my grandfather's porch! I'm watching you, Parker!"

The two burst into laughter and Eleanor pulled Teddy inside, shutting the door behind them both.


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