Untitled Part 5

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At Salvatore Lizzie sneaks out of the grounds following Finch, this is a regular thing now. Lizzie had noticed that Finch was sneaking out a lot, even after curfew without saying a word to anyone. Lizzie had to get to the bottom of this, she had never liked Finch, she didn't like her as Josie's girlfriend and she didn't like the way she had treated Josie and above all she didn't like the way she treated Hope. Finch had taken an instant dislike to Hope and kept making snide comments to her every chance she got. Hope just ignored her.

Lizzie knew the reason, she had realized early on that Finch was jealous, jealous of the close relationship Josie had with Hope. Finch was a werewolf and had very strong wolf emotions and protectiveness verging on possessiveness where Josie was concerned. She didn't like it when Hope and Josie talked and she definitely didn't like it when they were alone together. When the supersquad were trying to find Hope when she didn't have her humanity, Finch was constantly letting them know that she thinks Hope should be killed, in her eyes there was no redemption and no forgiveness. Finch just kept saying to them "Hope Must Die".

Obviously the super squad did not agree, they had known Hope for years and the number of times Hope had saved the school and saved them, and how she would sacrifice herself for the people she loved. Hope was family. They kept dismissing what Finch was saying and this was getting Finch angrier and angrier. Josie got so sick of Finch's attitude and it became a massive bone of contention between them, eventually Josie dumped Finch. She wasn't' going to put up with anyone being so hateful to Hope. This only made Finch angrier.

So Lizzie knew, whatever Finch was up to sneaking out at night, it would definitely not be for anything good.

Lizzie followed Finch into the woods just outside of Salvatore grounds, where from the distance she could see Finch talking to a person, she couldn't make out any features to hopefully recognize who Finch was talking too. She couldn't sneak up any further as she knew Finch would hear.

It only lasted a few minutes and as Finch was turning around to walk back to Salvatore Lizzie heard her say "I'll get it, don't worry, I will find it."

Confused and concerned about being noticed Lizzie hurried back so Finch didn't see her. As she reached her bedroom door she ran in quickly jumped on her bed and put a silencing spell around the perimeter of the room. Then quickly dialed a number, she had to speak to her sister.

"Hey Lizzie, what's up, why are you ringing so late?" Josie said after answering her phone.

"Josie, how is your relationship with Finch now?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Jo something really weird is going on here, Finch is sneaking out a lot at night meeting up with someone, tonight I followed her and heard her say "she'll find something. I just have a really bad feeling about this Jo".

"That's strange. I thought we were ok, we had a talk about the way we ended and I think she understood my reasons and we had both moved on. Do you know at all what she's trying too find".

"No I don't, but I'm going to find out. Jo did she blame Hope for you breaking up with her?"

"She did, but I assured her it was not the reason I wanted to break up"

"Are you sure she believed you"

"Why? Do you think her sneaking out has something to do with Hope?"

" I don't know, but as I said I'm going to find out".

"Please let me know if you find out anything, I love you Lizzie, I'll talk to you soon"

"night Jo, I love you too"

Josie finishes the call and looks at Hope. "Everything ok Jo" Hope asks.

"I hope so" Josie says.

Hope looks at Josie and with concern in her eyes, she doesn't say anymore but plans to ask her about it later. Hope says to Nik "It's time for bed for you kiddo" she says shooing him out of their fort.

"I don't want to go to bed, I want to watch another movie"

"There's tine for that tomorrow night, right now I think we all need to go to bed"
and that's exactly what they do.

Joise tosses and turns through the night, she has this really uneasy feeling that something is going to happen, a sense of dread in the pit of her stomach that she hasn't had since Malivore. She feels eerily cold yet her skin is glistening with sweat. She thinks back to the call with her sister and has a sixth sense whatever is going on at Salvatore will be joining them in New Orleans in just a matter of time.

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