Untitled Part 10

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There is a screech of tires outside the compound and the Mikaelson's get ready to fight, footsteps and banging on the front door. Marcel run's to open it getting ready to kill whoever dares come to their home now.


"Marcel the french quarter is in ruins. Aurora with the help of magic, fire and her army of witches/werewolves and vampires are targeting the homes and bases of the factions that are not under her rule, at this rate there will be no one left. We have to do something"

Vincent notices that all the Mikaelson's look tired, and solemn. "What's wrong, has something happened here?"

"I'm surprised you haven't heard Vincent. Aurora took the life of our niece tonight. Rest assured we will be doing something, this world will burn before we let her get away with this. We will slaughter that vampire and all of her followers, she will die in pure agony!"

Upstairs Lizzie looks at josie and says "Josie it's time to leave her, we need to rest."

Josie glances at Lizzie, her eyes vacant, empty. "I can't leave her Lizzie, I won't"

"She wouldn't want this for you Josie, we have to be strong, The greatest fight of our lives is yet to come. We have to be prepared for it."

Josie thinks for a minute knowing her sister is right, she gently places Hope's hand on the bed, kisses her forehead and with her sister they walk to the door, Josie looks back to the lifeless body on the bed, she breathes heavily, and they walk out the door.

Downstairs they interrupt the conversation the Mikaelson's are having with Vincent overhearing most of it on the way down. As they reach the bottom, Josie stands up straight, and with a very vengeful, newly found confidence says to them all "Aurora is MINE"

Back in the church outside of town, Aurora is plotting their next move with Agatha and Greg. They've achieved a lot today. Atleast a third of Marcel's vampire's were burned to death and they had also targeted many of the werewolves not in their control while they were transforming back to human form.. They were cut to pieces their flesh left for the animals to take care of. "We will have total control of this city soon she says laughing, the Original family will be bowing at our feet. They will be begging for their lives, and we will end them all!"

Greg and Agatha however aren't as confident. "Aurora we killed their niece today, we can't be complacent. They will want revenge.

"Yes, but there biggest weapon is no longer a problem, we have the advantage, enjoy our success and stop being so insufferable"

Back at Salvatore, Alarics phone rings, he looks at the time 4am, he hurries to find his phone knowing it must be important, and answers. "Lizzie, oh I am so happy to hear your voice, are you ok?

"Yes I'm fine dad, I've just rung to tell you that Hope is dead" she says it quickly to try and keep her emotions in check. "What! No" he says. He hangs his head and rubs his forehead. He can't believe what he has just been told. "what happened Lizzie?"

"The red oak took her. Aurora is to blame"

"How is Josie?"

"She's not taking it well dad she's gone all GI Joe and wants to go after Aurora"

"I'm coming back there, I will not stay here when you both need me, I'll be there at latest tomorrow night, Please Lizzie, tell your sister not to do anything stupid"

"I'll try dad but you know what she's like when it comes to Hope"

"I'll see you soon, I love you Lizzie can you tell your sister that too please"

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