Untitled Part 6

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Lizzie is walking through the corridors of Salvatore on her way to go outside, today all the friends are having a picnic lunch outside. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and there is no better place to be on a day like this than lying down on lounger chairs outside in the sunshine.

As she walks past Ethan's room, she hears a lot of noise. That's odd, she thinks to herself, knowing Ethan is away for a couple of days to spend time with his mother who's a sheriff in the town over and his sister maya.

Lizzie hides around the corner and sees Finch coming out of his room with a big smile on her face, clearly hiding something under her jersey. Lizzie walks around the corner and asks Finch what she was doing in Ethan's room.

"Nothing, I just thought I heard a noise so I thought I'd check in there to see what it was. Everything's fine though" and she walks off.

Lizzie knew she was lying. What could Finch possibly want from Ethan's room.

She thinks for a bit then dismisses the thought and heads outside to enjoy the picnic in the sunshine.

That night Lizzie again sneaks out following Finch, and again Finch meets up with the same person from the last night. This time Lizzie wants to get closer, she had siphoned from MG before coming out so she says invisique, and appears completely invisible. She walks over to Finch and the other person and listens.

"I found it" she hands something over to a woman, she's quite short and has dark red hair. "thankyou little bird" she says. "You have done a huge favour to this world by giving me this, now you must go back and pretend everything is fine with you, tell no one about this or me. It must remain a secret if I'm going to rid this world of our pesky tribrid"

Lizzie's heart just drops. She knows exactly what Finch had just handed over and it's all her fault. This person now has the second red oak dagger she had given Ethan incase no humanity Hope had come back to the school to hurt them. Guilt runs through her body and she feels like she's going to vomit. She must warn Hope!

Back in New Orleans Hope feels a strange feeling around her family, everyone seems really tense and she feels they're hiding something from her.

Next she hears some voices at the door breaking her out of her thoughts. "Hello darling" Marcel says to Rebekah as he walks through the door. Look who else I found lurking outside he laughs. In comes Kol and his wife Davina.

Freya, Keelin and Nik come running over to greet them all and so does Hope.

"what are you all doing here" she asks.

"I of course came to see my favourite niece, why else" he laughs going in for a big hug.

"Davina and I are back from Rome for a bit so wanted to stop in"

Marcel gives Rebekah and Freya a look which Hope picks up on. Things are really strange around here she thinks to herself.

Josie comes down the stairs, slightly embarrassed at walking in on what looks like private family time but Hope grabs her hand and introduces Josie to Kol, Davina and Marcel. "it's great to meet you" Josie says shyly.

"it's great to meet you too, I've heard a lot and I mean a lot about you" Kol smirks at Hope while Davina discreetly jabs him in the stomach.

"Well it's great to see you all, are you staying long" Hope asks.

" a few days"

"Great well Josie and I are going to walk around New Orleans and I'm going to show her all the sights, we'll see you later'

Freya, Keelin, Kol, Davina and Marcel all look at each other and Freya says 'why don't you stay hone, we can all catch up?"

"Ok what's going on here", Hope asks, she's had enough of their strange behaviour, "you wouldn't let us out yesterday, now you're trying to do the same today, why can't we go out".

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