Untitled Part 15

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The minute they arrive back at the compound Freya is on the phone, "Keelin, it's over, you can come home now. I miss you and Nik so much/"

Rebekah looks at Freya and smiles, it'll be nice to have everyone back together finally. She looks at Marcel and kisses him. "Well that was certainly a night" she says smiling:.

"It certainly was. We should clean up and go to bed" he replies. He pulls Rebekah towards him, they say goodnight and they'll talk more in the morning and go up the stairs.

Davina and Kol also go upstairs to bed. Exhausted.

"You guys were amazing tonight" Hope smiles "We couldn't have done any of this if it wasn't for you. She looks at every one of them, Josie, Lizzie, MG, Jed and Caroline. She walks over and grabs Josie's hand and guides her to the couch the others sit down too.

"It's over, we can now do anything we have ever wanted to do but never have been able before. Malivore is gone, Aurora is gone. We're all free."

Josie looks at Hope "The only thing I want is to spend many years with you, and then before I turn 22, I want you to turn me" she looks at Lizzie who is looking back in shock.

"That will solve the merge and we'll be together forever".

Hope herself shocked says "If that's really what you want Jo?"

"It is" she says with no hesitation.

They kiss.

"Oh for god sake get a room" Lizzie says with a big smile on her face. But she looks at Josie with such pride.

Caroline says "I'm going to go back to Salvatore and try and get the students back again, I've decided to become the head mistress of the school. Watching all of you tonight makes me so proud and I want to help the young super naturals of the world and guide them to be just like all of you. I'll also take Alaric and Cleo's bodies back to Mystic Falls for a funeral, if you all will come?"

"Of Course" they all say together. With everything that had gone on tonight, it had slipped their minds.

"That's great mum, I'm so glad you'll take over, the school needs you" Lizzie says. "What are you guys going to do" Lizzie asks Hope and Josie.

"Well we haven't had a chance to talk about details yet but if Hope is going to stay in New Orleans, which I think is what you're going to do, and run the city?" she looks at Hope who nods yes. "Well then I'm staying here to be with her."

"Yes I've made a commitment here now, I feel very privileged to have been able to do what my mother said I would do. This is my destiny. But I would love you guys to stay here as well if you're willing. You all have such amazing abilities that would be incredibly helpful around here and besides that, I just want you all here" she looks at Lizzie, Jed and MG and smiles.

"Well you can't get rid of me even if you tried" Lizzie laughs. "However MG and I would need a place of our own to live in, and your family is very rich, nothing to extravagant just a few acres of land for horses and .........."

"Lizzie!" Josie cuts her off and pokes her in the ribs.

"What? We were amazing, I think we deserve it."

"How could I possibly argue at that" Hope laughs. "I'll see what I can do"

"Jed, will you stay too?" she asks.

He thinks what he wants to say, he's never been great with his words. "For years I was a bully at Salvatore, treating people terribly. You guys helped me turn around and showed me I was good for something, that I could make a difference. It would be my honor to stay here and help."

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