Untitled Part 12

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Landon finally returns to the house, he runs in through the door and goes to kiss Hope on the cheek. She pulls away. He hesitates but starts waffling on about the day he's had and how many people he has sent through to peace.

Hope just looks at him with an unreadable expression on her face,

"Are you ok Hope, have you made the decision to go to peace yet, I can take you now?" he starts heading back to the door.

"Why are you so insistent on taking me across there Landon? What is the hurry?

Landon looks a little worried, he blinks it away quickly but Hope noticed.

"Why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?"

"Hope its depressing, dark and gloomy here. But completely the opposite over there, I just want you to be happy with your family, that's all". He looks down at the floor.

Hope stands there with her arms crossed reading his face. "Do you know the whole time I've known you, I have always been able to tell if you're lying to me" She moves closer to him and stares him right in the eyes.

"When we were talking on the dock about Josie and my feelings for her, I said to you I wished I had a choice to go to peace or return to Josie, you didn't say anything Landon."

He looks at her he runs his hand through his hair, getting nervous. "Well you're dead Hope, your only option is to stay here or go to peace".

"You are lying to me now Landon! After everything we have been through together how could you hide this from me" she pulls the paper she found earlier from her pant pocket.

Landon looks like he's going to throw up, he knows he's been caught out. "Hope I love you, I have always loved you. We can be here together all of us and be the family you and I have always wanted. All you have to do is say yes".

"I say NO" she holds up the paper.

It is a signed contract between the ferryman and Landon. His payment for taking over the job was that he could send one person of his choosing back to life in the condition the person he chose, deserved to go back, someone who had made a difference in the world before they died.

"You could have sent me back Landon, but you chose to hide it from me. If my parents knew I had the option to go back, I can assure you they would want me to go and live my life, be happy, have an epic love. Not stay here".

He looks at her, tears falling from his eyes, he knows she's right. He can't argue.
"I'm sorry Hope" is all he can say.

" I did love you Landon, honestly I did, but I have moved on, I want to see what a future with Josie would be like. I think we can make each other happy, we just need that chance."

Landon sees the pain in her face and just nods in acknowledgement.

"What do we have to do to get me back there?" she demands.

Alaric skids to a stop outside the Mikaelson compound, everyone gets out and starts walking to the door. Rebekah has seen them all coming and goes to the door. 'God it's like Grand Central Station around here' she mutters to herself. Just as she was about to open the door, she sees the trees on their property sway, 'hmm must be a gust of wind"

As she reaches the door she yells out to Freya, Freya comes running. "What's wrong Rebekah?" she looks outside and sees a small coven of witches out there, they are trying to round up alaric and the others. Freya yells to them to get inside quickly, Jed and Mg make it but only just. Freya does a quick spell to make sure the mansion is secure from any unauthorized entry. She goes to spell the witches but it's too late.

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