Jos Bitchstappen🏎️🚦

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A couple of days after they had played capture the flag, the weather took an awful turn and it was storming. The thunder and lighting had scared a fair few of the drivers and the rain was flooding the roads. Luckily they had been shopping before so the house was stocked up with food and other supplies. All of the drivers had also received their onesies and now they were all wearing them cuddled up in the living room with the blankets and pillows. It was still mid morning but the sky was so dark it could easily be passed of as night time. They were all getting a bit bored of being stuck inside and things had started getting a bit tense. Carlos and George had fought because of a stupid inchident at breakfast and Lando was getting really fed up with people telling him to calm down. Most of the adults were slowing loosing their minds as the kids drove them crazier and crazier each day the storm lingered. Mark had an idea of playing a game but then everyone had started to argue over which game they would play and so that plan was quickly shut down. Unfortunately it left them all in a position of bordem.
"Pleaseeeeee can we do something, i'm so so so bored" - Lando
"YOU SHUT UP" - Lando
"I'VE DONE FUCK ALL" - Charles
"ENOUGH! Both of you time out, you know the rules now stop." - Seb
The two drivers walked to separate corners of the room and sat there huffing.
"Landos right Seb, everyones getting bored. What if we played hide and seek inside?" - Nando
"Yeah that could work, guys?" - Seb
"Sure i don't mind" - Carlos
"Neither" - Pierre
"Yeah whatever" - Kevin
"Okay, Lando and Charles you'll be seeking. Think of it as your punishment" - Seb
"What Seb no that's so unfair" - Lando
"Nope enough. Deal with it or i will keep adding more"
- Seb
"Okay, sorry Seb" - Lando
"Fine" - Charles
"Time for 5 minutes and close your eyes then come looking for us" - Seb
"Okay" - Charles
All of the drivers got up from the living room and began to search for places to hide. Kimi and Seb both went into a the laundry room, They hid behind the shelves of towels and bed sheets.
"Seb?" - Kimi
"Yeah" - Seb
"We're pretty close you know? and no one is going come find us for at least 10 minutes" - Kimi
"Kimi you are not fucking me in here" - Seb
"Why not, you can finish before, i know you can"
Seb slapped Kimi around the back of his head, Kimi just sighed and accepted it. He did pull Seb in close so he could lean against him.

Valtteri had decided to hide in the sauna and although it wasn't on and he wasn't naked he still really liked the vibe of it. Zhou was hiding rather close and he was in one of the rooms around the hot tub and sauna room. He had his under a pile of towles.

Meanwhile, Lewis and Nico had hid in one of the many bathrooms and had locked the door. Lewis moved slowly towards Nico and pinned him to the wall, they started to make out and that quickly lead to other things. Luckily they were in a bathroom so it was a pretty easy clean up.

Daniel and Tonio had taken it very seriously and had gone through all of the cracks in the house and had managed to squish themselves into two small cupboards in a wardrobe.

Oscar and Logan were hidden underneath a bed and making scary noises seeing if they could get the other one to laugh. Eventually they stopped to make sure they wouldn't get caught.

Jenson, Mark and Fernando had also managed to squeeze into a cupboard. This one however had no room for them to be doing anything other than talking.

Max had decided to hide in the gaming room because he wanted easy access to his mini fridge of red bulls.

Mick, Lance and Estie were all hiding very close to one another, They had somehow managed to climb on top of some cupboards and were all lying on separate ones but they were close enough that they could still talk.

Kevin and Nico had been rather boring and hid in the curtains of the living room.

Yuki and Pierre were hiding in the kitchen to ensure that Yuki had a constant supply of food.

Carlos had chosen a fairly secluded spot in the wardrobe and had thrown clothes over himself.

After the five minutes we're up Lando and Charles had made peace and decided to look for drivers together. They were going to start upstairs and then work their way back down. First they checked all of the bedrooms but when they checked Max and Charles's they found something really suspicious under the bed.

They found paper balls all scrunched up, it was unsure who they were sent from but after reading some of one they gasped.
"Who could write these, they're horrible." - Lando
"I know, i feel so bad for him. Why didn't he tell me?" - Charles
"Maybe he was scared?" - Lando
"Maybe" - Charles
The notes were horrible, they said things like

Your such a disappointment
I didn't raise you to be gay
I hate you
Your not my son anymore, your just a fag
I'm going to kill Charles he's distracting you
Charles and You won't last
Charles is making you drive slower
Charles is the reason your doing so badly
He's dead
Tomorrow I'll kill him
You best believe me Max

"Whoever it is, they know about you. Do you think it's Jos?" - Lando
"Yeah probably. I'm going to ask Max about it later, let's just look for them"

The boys took quite a long time to find everyone and once they were done it was nearing to dinner. Charles had completely forgotten about the notes until Lando was staring intently at him during dinner.
"Lando what?" - Charles
Lando just widened his eyes and screamed Max then ran out the room. Charles suddenly knew what Lando was getting that and proceeded to drag Max out of the dining room and up into their bedroom. He shoved him onto the bed and then climbed on top of him
"Schajte i didn't realise you were so eager" - Max
"No Max, we need to talk about something."
"What's wrong charlie?" - Max
"Who are the notes from, Lando and I saw them under the bed" - Charles
"Charlie, I-" - Max
"No Max please, we need to talk about this, who is it?"
- Charles
"My dad. He doesn't approve of us and thinks your distracting me from racing. He also doesn't believe i'm gay and that i'm just making this all up as some sick joke" - Max
"Maxie, i'm so sorry. What can i do?" - Charles
Max was now crying slightly and Charles was tearing up. They were sat cuddled together and sniffing slightly. About two hours later Seb then came in and told them there was someone at the door for Max.

The boys both walked down to the door and Max saw his father there. Immediately Jos shoved his way into the house and started repeating some of the words written on the letters.
"See you don't believe me then Max" - Jos
"Dad what the fuck are you doing here" - Max
"Killing him. He shouldn't be doing this" - Jos
Jos then lunged at Charles and put his hands around his throat trying to strangle him. He slammed him against the wall to make sure he couldn't get out. Max was slamming his fists into his dad and started yelling for Kimi, Jos let go for a split second and Charles managed to slap him across the face, Jos the retaliated and punched Charles hard. Just then Seb and Kimi came running down and Kimi immediately threw Jos out, he yelled at him and beat the shit out of him and threatened him that if he ever spoke of Max or even look at him he would murder him.

Seb had called the police and Max was comforting Charles. They moved into the kitchen and Max placed an ice pack on Charles' eye.
"I'm so sorry this happened Schajte" - Max
"It's okay, means we can get a restraining order against him" - Charles
"I guess" - Max
Max just cuddled Charles closer and kissed his hair. He was feeling really bad about the entire situation but Charles reassured him that he was going to be okay. The police arrived and took statements, they issued a restraining order against Jos and opened an investigation into Child abuse. They were all glad that he went stay rotting behind bars for the rest of his life.

The rest of the drivers had heard the commotion and came out to the kitchen once the police had left.
"Calamar are you okay?" - Pierre
"Oui, i'm okay Pear" - Charles
Pierre gave Charles a hug and asked if he needed anything but Max said he had it all handled. Everyone else was a little confused as to what happened but Seb said for them to leave it and that is was all going to be okay. They moved into the living room and after a rough day they fell asleep.
"I'm so sorry Mijn liefje, i swear you'll never get hurt again. ik houd van je" - Max
"je t'aime aussi" - Charles

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