Ikea Trip🏎️🚦

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Yuki woke up that morning trapped in Pierre's arms. He looked around the room for a little until he noticed that on the side of the bed next to them was a dinosaur Pierre had got him for his birthday. It was rather big and super squishy and Yuki loved it. As he was thinking about the dinosaur had Pierre woke up behind him and was mumbling something about food into Yuki's neck. Yuki laughed softly and turned over to face him.

"Morning Pear" - Yuki
"Hey Yukes" - Pierre
"Did Seb say we are going to ikea today?" - Yuki
"Yup, he did" - Pierre

Yuki had suddenly sprung up and out of bed, he was now slapping Pierre lightly until Pierre grabbed his hands and pulled him harshly back onto the bed. Yuki stumbled and landed right on top of Pierre. Yuki was looking rather grumpy and pouted at Pierre

"Hey not fair" - Yuki
"Sorry mon amour, but please let's just relax for a little bit more" - Pierre
"But pear, what about ikea???" - Yuki
"It will still be there if we relax for 5 more minutes" - Pierre
"Ugh okay fine" - Yuki

Yuki reluctantly agreed and set a timer for five minutes. After, he lay his phone back on the side table
and flopped back down on Pierre, he buried himself into his boyfriend and relaxed. They were just beginning to drift off when a harsh sound from Yuki's phone rang.

"5 minutes. Let's go. Ikea time!!!!!" - Yuki
"Okay okay, come on then" - Pierre

Meanwhile Max and Charles had got up early and went for a run. Charles thought it was rather fun to run with his boyfriend, he enjoyed jumping over streams and tree roots. They were only 30 minutes away from the house when they heard the sound of loud water crashing. They didn't exactly know what it was but they were keen to find out. They explored around the woods for awhile until Max came across the source of the noise. It was an enormous waterfall with crystal like water. It looked so much fun and both of the boys agreed that they would go for a quick swim.

After taking of most of their clothes they went to some of the rocks surrounding the water. They jumped from them and landed in the small pool, the water was a bit cold but they managed. They spent a while jumping off the rocks and swimming in the water, it was so relaxing and they loved looking back at the water fall.

Charles did wonder if there would be any treasure behind it and they both decided that they wanted to see. They swam around the water and didn't see much but there was a small opening. They decided they would leave it for today because they wanted to go to Ikea and they had no torches. They swam back around together and got out and stood for a little bit to dry off. After they put their clothes back on they continued home on their run. When they reached the house, no one was really awake apart from Yuki and Pierre who were making breakfast in the kitchen. Yuki looked very happy to be awake and doing some cooking, but Pierre not so much, he looked like he needed about 50 cups of coffee to keep up with Yuki.

Max and Charles just laughed and headed upstairs to shower. They were both a bit disgusting from their run and definitely wanted to get into some clean clothes for Ikea.

Upstairs Kevin was slowly waking up alongside Nico, they had had a busy night ;) ;) ;) and both needed to shower.
"You gonna join me?" - Kevin
"Course, round 5?" - Nico
"Obviously" - Kevin

They both hurried into the shower and as it was running they stripped each other of their clothes. They made out as they walked into the shower, it quickly led to another round and afterwards they gently cleaned one another.

They stepped out of the shower, dried off and got changed into some clothes. They wondered downstairs after and found Jenson and Yuki in the kitchen along with Mark, Fernando and Pierre drinking coffee on the island table. Kevin and Nico joined them and began to relax while drinking some coffee.

Everyone was very excited to go to Ikea and soon most of the drivers were downstairs. it was only Lando and who was missing. Max decided to go upstairs and get him and when he walked into the room he wished he didn't.

Max saw Lando stood over the bed wiggling around in a blanket looking like a worm, Lando jumped suddenly and fell of the bed, tangling himself even more in the blanket.


Max just raised an eyebrow at Lando but didn't question much more of it. He just told Lando that he needed to get changed and come down for breakfast. Which he did after spending a few more minutes detangling himself from the blanket.

Once everyone was down in the dining room eating breakfast, Seb announced they were going to leave in 20 minutes so everyone had better be ready or they weren't coming.

Once the 20 minutes were up the drivers had got themselves into the cars and were all bouncing with excitement. When they arrived Seb didn't bother trying to control them, he just said for them to meet in the canteen at 1:30pm for lunch.

Each of the drivers decided to split into groups

Group 1

Group 2
Nico H

Group 3

Group 4

The drivers grabbed their trolleys and started to run into the store. Seb sighed and knew the rest of the day was going to be rather stressful but he was also looking forward to buying things for their house. Kimi wrapped his arm around Seb's waist and gently pulled him along.
"Come on, let's go get some things for the house" - Kimi

They walked into the shop ready for the chaos.

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