Chapter 36

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Australia pov.

It didn't take long for Army, Marine and NASA to come back with lunch and hand it out to everyone as they sat down to eat as well. Once everyone was done eating Ame's phone started to ring and I checked it.

"Who is it Roo?" Zealand asked.

"It's UN, want me to put it on speaker Ame?" I asked my older brother.

"Yea that's fine Aussie." He replied softly. I nodded and answered UN putting the call on speaker. "What's up UN, you never call unless you need someone or something." Ame asked UN not caring about anything else at the moment.

"I am adding a new twist to the experiment, I am requesting DC, NASA and your military to join other households, they may choose the households they are joining, I will swing by in a week or so to pick them up, I forgot to tell you when I was there to pick up Brazil." UN explained.

"United Nations, I will not allow NASA, Marine and Army to be separated, place them with FVEY, he should know what to do, as for DC, I would prefer she stay with me and NATO. Coast Guard, Navy, and Air Force are allowed to choose which organization they would prefer to join." Ame told UN, I watched as most of the other countries winced when Ame used UN's full name.

"That can be arranged, will Confederate be willing to join the experiment or will he be residing with you?" UN asked, slightly on edge now.

"I'm staying with Union, I am not ready to meet the other 182 countries outside of this house, hell I ain't even ready to met the other countries and Organization that Yankee is letting onto our property for July." Confederate told UN.

"Understood Confederate, on that note, Air Force, Coast Guard, and Navy which households would you three prefer to join?" UN asked the branches.

"I'll join ASEAN's group." Navy replied blankly.

"I'll join BRICS." Coast Guard replied curtly.

"Guess that leaves me with EU." Air Force scoffed slightly.

"Thank you for your time, I'll let the other organizations know of the changes." UN finished, and disconnected the call.

"Alright then, those of you who are joining other households go prepare your things, and keep in touch once you are there." Ame told the kids. They nodded and swiftly went to gather their things. "Germany, can you call EU and inform him that Air Force will help him enforce the rules that I have set for anyone outside of this household and make sure that they don't leave the east side of the property where the second house was built. Aussie you know what to do. Russ can you call BRICS and tell her that Coast Guard will help her with maintaining the peace. Japan can you call ASEAN and tell him about Navy coming in as an additional peacekeeper as well." Ame instructed us. We all nodded and went to call the people we had to call. I went out to the backyard and called FVEY.

"Hey Australia, what do you need?" He asked.

"Did UN call you mate?" I asked him, mentally preparing for the oncoming conversation.

"Yes, and he said that NASA, and two of America's military branches are joining my ranks for the experiment, if America told you to call me to make sure the protocols are still in place then he has nothing to worry about and that I am aware of the weird thing going on between them." He replied simply.

"I don't think that's what Ame meant mate, I just wanted to confirm that you knew of their arrival in the span of a week or so according to UN, but Ame didn't seem pleased when he got the call about them joining the experiment, he used UN's full name for crying out loud. Mate please watch the branches and NASA, and I am saying this as a warning, please for the love of Ame don't let them do anything stupid, I don't need them completely unhinged when they come back." I told him.

"Alright I get it Australia, I'll keep your warning in mind, now I have to go before the countries I'm with tear something apart." FVEY told me briskly before disconnecting the call. I sighed dejectedly and walked back in and sat down in my previous spot next to Zealand.

"How did it go Roo?" Zealand asked me.

"It went well, I think. You can never tell with FVEY." I replied softly, looking at Ame, Mexico and Confederate curiously.

"They have been talking like that for a while now, but I'm certain that they are telling Ame what Brazil did to the both of them." She told me, gaining my attention once more, I nodded and focused on the tv as we sat there in silence until everyone else returned to the living room.

Mexico pov.

As we were waiting for some of the other countries to return from the calls Ame is having them make.

"North, can we talk for a bit, it's 'bout Brazil." Confederate asked.

"Yea sure, what's up South?" Stars told him gently, Confederate looked at me and nodded. I returned the nod and made sure everyone was distracted slightly.

"You know how we said that Brazil harassed me and Mexi?" He asked our brother.

"What did he do South?" Ame asked, concern lacing his voice.

"He tried to touch Mex inappropriately and I stepped in, but he ended up touchin' me instead. I punched him and had NATO and NASA duck tape his ass to the ceilin' and let the kids have their fun until UN came to get him." Confed explained softly, avoiding Ame's saddened gaze.

"Come here you two." Ame told us softly. We did as told and he pulled us into a tight embrace and let us cry into his shoulder. He rubbed our backs softly, muttering soft reassurances in our ears. We relaxed into his hold and let him be the overprotective brother he is.

"Mom, Dad, Uncle Dixie, the others are back from their calls." Texas told us.

"Thanks for telling us Lone Star." Ame told the boy. He let go of us and let us lean on him for a while longer.

"Seems like you've been busy Meric." Russia told Stripes.

"Yea, how did the call with BRICS go?" He asked the Russian.

"It went well, she is actually glad that Coast is joining her group, she needed the extra help." He replied simply.

"Alright, I'm glad it worked out for her then, I still can't believe that United Nations is pulling this kind of crap, I know that we are going to have to take Dixie to the next meeting but who's to say we are ready for that change? I mean the other collapsed countries are there as well but some still have their grudges against me and I don't want my family getting hurt." Ame told him, voicing his concerns for the next meeting.

"Union, what do you mean I'm going to the next meeting?" Confederate asked him.

"Exactly as it sounds Dix, I'm sorry." Ame replied softly. Confed groaned and cuddled into our brother more.

I have kids so what? (Being Rewritten, May Have Different Title)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt