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akari kobayashi

tell me all the things
that you never did

tell me all the things
you loved doing

tell me your nicknames
tell me all your favourites

now tell me how have you been
have you been struggling
or has it been nice without me?

tell me all your secrets
tell me was it your regret?

share all the beautiful memories
i'm willing to listen

i'll be always by your side
don't you be afraid

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nrk_ cringe.

akari_kobayashi stfu why r u always stalking me

nrk_  i ain't stalking fyi. they suggested me this shitty post

akari_kobayashi see? my posts get suggested too. bcz it's good. they didn't know that you have bad taste.

nrk_ so beautiful that my eyes hurt reading it

akari_kobayashi see a doctor. you might need power glasses 💀

rinrain guys im so done with y'all 😭

parkjongseong_ we gotta do something, rin


sakura_ that's so sweet? i wonder who you wrote that for 👀

hee_seung i might know for whom it's written 👀

kim_sun idk how much more i can shut my mouth about your crush

catwon woah that's nice


so this poem was originally written for this story hehe

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