chapter 3.5

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Hey pips👋
How are you doing mi amores🌚
The last chapter was divided in two
Here's the second part
Though I must warn you it's really short

Oh my God oh my God I'm freaking out
I think imma die in peace now
My crush just held me in his friggin arms
"What's going on here Lisa  I'm tryna chill and I hear that my girlfriend is about to have a fist fight with a girl"
He says putting a good distance between Lisa and I
Okay my heart's broken he doesn't even know my name
"Well she stared it" Lisa Says like the child she is
"Well what did you say to her"
He asks
"Nothing that isn't the truth"she replied making Mika sigh
"I'm sorry about her she doesn't really have a filter on you see" he says to me smiling
I was literally speechless this is so unfair why does she get to snag this beautiful alpha and I get nothing
"No issues man" Kenji replies him  in my stead "you know how girls can be always arguing about things "
"Yeah you're right  but still I'm sorry about what she did to your girlfriend this snapped me outta my daze
"This madman ain't my boyfriend"I replied him with my arms folded
"Blimey I'm sorry about that "he says running a hand through his hair
"You wound me darling" Kenji says with a hand on his chest
"Suck it up "I tell him with an eye roll
This makes Mika laugh
"For an omega your really bold and I like that"
Okay what? he can't tell that I'm an alpha this is quite heart breaking I don't even know who to blame my dad for making me do this or my mom for leaving me alone
"I'm an alpha"
I tell them and everybody laughs
"Wait you're dead serious"
Kenji asks when he sees the seriousness on my face
"Of course I am"
"Woah I'm so sorry"Mika says"it's just that you look ......"
Lisa scoffs and I decided to ignore her
"No worries I get that a lot "
I smiled
"Bitch"Lisa coughs
I hope she choke on her spit
"So are you an apex alpha?"Kenji asks taking a sit at our table
"Definitely not your business" I replied also sitting down
"You know what"Mika says" why don't we have lunch together I'm starved"
"Knock yourself out buddy " Kenji tells him as they were about to sit down the bell goes ad I was beyond relieved
"Ahh blimey I guess we'll have to move it to tomorrow"
"No issue man"Kenji replies Mika
"It was nice meeting you guys"he says with a wave which I returned
I hope to never see them again but boy was I wrong cos the next day they friggin sat down with us and the next week and the week after that one and I hate to say this but Lisa and I are now at peace she no longer glares at me with hateful eyes and it's really bugging me
Like what if she tries to kill me or something

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