chapter 19

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Darlene" Lisa started with a sympathetic look "don't take this the hard way but this had to be done... Consider it a necessary evil ... I hold nothing against you but Mika's mine and I'm simply securing what's mine"
I scoffed
"What's yours?"
I scoffed again
"Well" I crossed my leg with an irritating smirk on my face "what's yours is mine "
"In your dreams bitch" and I began laughing like crazy
They all looked at me like I was insane
I probably am but who cares
I laughed at them till they closed the door and then my laughter turned to tears

I wasn't crying cos Lisa sabotaged my dress. Hell I could wear a potato sack and still kill it . I was crying cos anytime I try to be happy shit like Lisa happens.
Don't I deserve a shot at this thing called happiness.
Why can't everything just work in my favor.
I heard a soft click and I whipped my head in the direction of my door just to see my father.
"Dad" I croaked and he jumped in fright not expecting me to be at home.
"Damnit Dee what are you doing here holy cow you look like a mess where's your friend that Lisa girl the party's supposed to start by 2 and it's almost 2.i know I know I'm rambling you know I do that when I'm stressed out but for real why aren't you dressed?"
This made me cry harder
"Shit I fucked up"
I heard him mumble
He drew near awkwardly rubbing my back. We stayed like that until I stopped crying and I was just a sniffling mess.
"Wanna talk about it honey?"
I shook my head
I know he's my dad but we haven't had the best relationship y'know
"Can I call kenji?"
I nodded .
"Okay I think I have his number " he said fishing out his phone from his pocket
Kenji picked up on the first ring
"This is kenji who's yapping?" I heard him say.
Typical kenji.
"Ken" I said
"Holy shit Dee, what's wrong? Whose phone is this? Why do u sound like that? Where are you? Did something happen? Where's that flabby granny? Did she do something nasty assed again. Did she kidnap you and put you on a plane to Africa?. Talk to me goddamit. Where ar-"
"Will you shut up for crying out loud. All your yapping is gonna give me a headache" I cut him off "I'm at home" I say after a while
"I'll be there in a jiffy"
And the line went dead
Five minutes later kenji showed up looking disheveled. Apparently he ran all the way here in his wolf form.
God bless his soul
"I need the tea Dee do not miss a thing" kenji said in a serious tone . I took a deep breath, here goes
By the time I was done kenji looked like he was about to explode. My dad just had murder in his eyes.
Never knew he cared that much
The next ten minutes was spent with my dad and kenji cursing Lisa out. It made me laugh cos my dad was red as a tomato and kenji kept saying he's gonna perform black magic on her
"This is not funny Dee"
Kenji said making me stiffle a grin
"We need to make her pay"
My dad said slamming the table"no bloody bastard will ever make my daughter cry and go scot free"
"Amen to that Mr Smith"
Kenji concurred
"Guys" I said "it's okay what's done is done right now I just wanna lay down a bit maybe everything will work itself out tomorrow"
I said the last part in my head
" It's okay she said" kenji turned to my father
" What's done is done she said"
He replied
" Look missy I'm not up for giving you a long speech on revenge cos it's boring"
He growled
The audacity
" All I'm gonna say is you're gonna go to that ball"he said slowly" and you're gonna look so hot and sexy that you're gonna find your self rapped up in Mika's blanket-"
" Woah"my dad said " I do not support that plan my daughter is just 17 and she is not having sex until I die and I plan to live a long life"
" I'm 16 dad"
I said
" Doesn't make it better honey"
" Were was i"kenji continued ignoring my father" and then he's gonna make  you the Luna  infront of the whole pack and Lisa's gonna cry like the whiney little bitch that she is"
" Still not onboard the sex part"my dad said
" I don't know guys"I began and the two men in my life put their hands on my lips
"Shhhhh don't stress your pretty little head just go upstairs and clean yourself up and come down when you're done"
"Let the men in your life handle this" my dad said"let's show you how to treat a queen"
I sighed doing as I was told

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