chapter 18

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Fyi we're getting dressed in your house

I checked my time to see I had roughly 5 minutes to shower and I need not to be told to get my ass in the shower

Lisa couldn't stop talking about how Mika was her mate. Neither could the girls. Ass lickers

I hate to break it to them but Mika's mine . He's all mine .
We were currently getting out hair and makeup done for the ball
"Lisa you should totally go for an up do so Mika wouldn't be able to take his eyes of you right Darlene"
Kourtney told her. See. Ass lickers
" Well u could do that but if you're still going with that dress you picked out let your hair down ... It suits the dress"
I said while applying my eyeliner
I stopped what I was doing to stare at them when I noticed they were all silent.
Sorry to burst their bubble but papa raised no ass licker.
"Actually Darlene's right" Lisa said to christina who was doing her hair .
Of course I am . I'm a fashion icon
"Not like it matters if it's up down or my bed head cos Mika's all mine "
She said with a dreamy look .. I could feel the smugness in her tone and I scoffed
Color me disgusted
"Got a problem smithy?"
She said in a crisp tone
Did I scoff out loud... Oops...
"Nope not really I'm just in awe of your delusions"
I smiled sweetly
"Are you trying to imply that Mika's your mate".
Yes bitch
I fake gasped
"course not sweety. I just don't want you to get your hopes up. I mean his mate could be Kourtney or Christina or some chick from school only the moon goddess knows besides saying it out loud could jinx it"
I explained like I was talking to some kindergartners cos I was .
And with that I went back to my make up but not before I caught a glimpse of anger and hatred in her eyes .
After our whole conversation we went back to doing our thing but I noticed the awkwardness in the room. Feels wonderful by the way . I was the first person done so I proceeded to get my dress from the living room.
My heart sank immediately I saw that there were three bags instead of four.
Do not jump into conclusion Dee. Maybe my dress was with someone else's .
So I began unzipping the bags one by one.

The feeling of dread was getting harder to quench. With a sharp breathe I opened the last bag and of course my dress wasn't there.
This whole thing reeks of  Lisa da bitch
How dare she try to sabotage me
Turning to run up the stairs but she was already there
"You don't have to scream smithy I have sensitive ears"
I scoffed
"Where is my dress?"
"What do u mean check over there"
She said with an irritated look pointing in the general direction of the bags
"I'll ask again Lisa. Where . The. Fuck. Is. My. Dress?."
I said with controlled rage
"Don't gimme that tone smith"
She said brushing past me to the bags. She repeated the same activities that I did, had the audacity to gasp and add ' oh em gee'to the whole thing.
"I might've left it in my car"
She said running outside the same moment the girls came downstairs
"Where's your dress?"
Katherine asked me and I gave a a really dirty look. The dirtiest I could muster
"Sheesh sorry"
She rolled her eyes at. Me
The audacity of the lower ranked wolf
Acting like she doesn't know
"Urm dee" Lisa called coming in and I turned to her leveling her with my meanest glare. I have a lot of that to give
"I swear I checked everywhere but I couldn't find your dress. I swear I didn't do anything. We literally picked it up from the shop and then  we came here"
I scoffed. This sounds like a pile of horse shit
I'm swearing a lot deal with it
" Hey why don't we call the shop" Courtney said
" Good idea Lisa said whipping out her phone
"Hi " she said putting the call on speaker
"Hello this is dress by Blaire what can I do for you"
A crisp voice answered
"Yeah I'm Lisa Bennett. I ordered four dresses from your shop and I only got three"
"What's your name ?"
The voice asked
"Lisa Bennett"
She replied and the voice went silent for some time
"Well miss Lisa I just pulled out your invoice and it says here you ordered three dresses"
"What do you mean three?"
I asked exasperated
"Well it clearly states here that miss Lisa ordered three dresses maybe there was a mistake when ordering"
"What do u mean we Literally picked it out ourselves from your shop!"
I yelled " now what the hell am I supposed to wear"
" I'm sorry miss but there's absolutely nothing that I can do for you cos out whole store has been cleared out "
I collapsed on the couch to stunned to speak
If they're outta stock that means other shops are
This was my only shot at happiness and I lost it
Why does this always happen to me?
Am I cursed... Or is happiness just for me ?
The girls were trying to tell me something but I was so lost in my head that I couldn't fathom what they were saying
I watched them pick their dresses
I watched them come down the stairs all dolled up hoping to be Mika's mate. My mate .
If they knew he was never theirs would they act that way
'course they will . They're desperate
"Darlene" Lisa started with a sympathetic look "don't take this the hard way but this had to be done... Consider it a necessary evil ... I hold nothing against you but Mika's mine and I'm simply securing what's mine"
I scoffed
"What's yours?"
I scoffed again
"Well" I crossed my leg with an irritating smirk on my face "what's yours is mine "
"In your dreams bitch" and I began laughing like crazy
They all looked at me like I was insane
I probably am but who cares
I laughed at them till they closed the door and then my laughter turned to tears

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