Chapter Twenty

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"What now?" Jade called as he leaped off the wagon, meeting up with Onyx and Rok as they emerged from the hay. His face bore a wide, triumphant smile, clearly proud of his part in the successful evasion.

Rok, however, regarded the young elven boy with a mix of skepticism and irritation. To him, Jade seemed like an unnecessary addition, a distraction that they couldn't afford in the midst of a complex and dangerous situation. The complexities of war were far beyond what the boy could comprehend. Onyx, on the other hand, appeared more open to the idea of giving Jade a chance. Just like with the Dwarf, Oldren, with whom he was still navigating his feelings and judgment.

"What is it with her and these strangers?" he mused inwardly, a hint of frustration weaved in his thoughts. "When we first met, she wanted nothing to do with me, in fact she tried to kill me!" he reflected, a mix of confusion and curiosity coloring his perception of Onyx's actions. And perhaps a little disheartened.

"You wanted out of the village just as much, if not, even more than us" Rok began with the young elf, "So you go your way and we, ours" Rok inquired, with a hope that Jade wouldn't question this, despite knowing he would.

"So you're saying we split up, for good?" Jade asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

Rok's expression softened a bit at the genuine concern in Jade's voice. He exchanged a quick glance with Onyx before turning his attention back to the young elf. "Look, kid, this isn't a fun getaway. It's dangerous, and there's a lot more at stake than just escaping a village. We're up against forces that you can't even begin to understand." Rok siad with the softest tone he could manage, but it came out more demanding than soft.

Onyx stepped in, her golden gaze fixed on Jade. "Rok's right," she said, her voice firm yet compassionate. "We're not telling you to leave because we think you're incapable. But you need to be sure, beyond any doubt, that this is what you want. Lives are on the line."

"Speak for yourself," Rok couldn't help but mutter under his breath, his irritation showing once again.

Jade's shoulders slumped slightly under the weight of their words. He had been motivated by a mix of adventure and the desire to escape his own troubles, but their words were a stark reminder of the harsh reality he was stepping into. Jade's gaze shifted between them, he seemed to be weighing their words, considering the gravity of the situation he had stumbled into.

Oldren's voice, gruff and grumbling, interrupted the moment. "Ya all can have yer heartfelt talks later. Right now, we need to decide on a course of action. Split up or stick together, but make it snappy."

Onyx casted a sharp glare towards Oldren before turning her attention back to Jade. "Oldren's right. We don't have the luxury of time for debates."

Jade took a deep breath, his young face set in a determined expression. "I'm in. I might not fully understand everything, but I do know that I do not have much of a life, the queen searches for me as she does for you." he paused and scratched his head awkwardly, "And I feel safer with you," he blurted quickly.

Rok's eyebrows raised in mild surprise, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He had not expected the young elf to be so resilient with his choice. He cast a glance at Oldren, conveying a look that read, "He is either brave or foolish". The dwarf met his eyes and smiled with a slight nod.

"Well boy, don't come crying when reality hits you" Oldren said with his usual gruff tone as he hopped up in the driver's seat. "Now, let's get a move on, shall we?"

"Where?" Jade asked curiously, to be honest Rok was unsure of where to go next as well, their options were getting less and less plentiful.

"Home," Onyx's voice rang out, she stepped forward, her amber-gold eye illuminated with a hopeful glow. "If there is anyone whom will fight against Demeter's reign, It is the Direwolves"   

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