Never Ignore The Signs

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It was one of the grandest, oldest, & largest buildings in Central City. The grand building overlooked the largest park in the city as well as the financial district. The building was home to the security council which not only protected the city, but this was the headquarters for the whole country's intelligence efforts.

The security council and heads of the C.S.A. (Central Security Agency) were meeting for the fifth time this month. There was a big problem. An established crime kingpin in the city was flooding the streets with a new kind of drug. This drug, once taken, gave the syndicate power & some degree of suggestive control over the individual. They were then made to commit petty & major crimes but a little more worrying was that the people were going missing afterwards. Missing person cases were through the roof in Central City.

"What intelligence do you have?" asked the leader of the security council.

"Not much at the moment certainly nothing new," replied Langer, the head of the C.S.A.

"Can I remind you, Mr. Langer?"

"It's just Langer."

"I beg your pardon."

"My name is Langer; there's no Mr."

"Well, Langer, can I remind you that we can override you and find your replacement?"

"Is that a threat?"

"It is indeed a threat." Stop this crime epidemic.

They awaited Langer's response but Langer had already left his seat and was walking away before the meeting ended. His assistant was with him.

"I need my best. Find me, Max."

"She quit sir, after ripping off your office door, dragging you across the desk, and punching you in the face."

"We still have several security guards in the hospital," said the assistant.

"I don't care, get her," said Langer as he entered his dark-windowed SUV and roared off. The assistant would have to get a taxi. Langer was a shit.

He was moody and unreasonable, and he would sell his mother if he had to. But he was the best director the C.S.A. had ever had. Until now.

A station wagon pulled up into the forest parking area, the driver seemed unsure, new to the location. He parked but didn't read the notice.

He parked the car and stopped the engine, turning around he addressed his children.

"See children, what beauty! Smell the air and get some fresh air into your lungs." said the Father enthusiastically.

His kids often stayed in their rooms and went on their game stations for far too long.

They got out of the car and suddenly there was a battle cry, an adrenaline-filled yell and breaking through the treetops appeared a bike wheel.

A mountain bike flew through the air, at least 7 feet above their heads. They still ducked, shocked and a little frightened. The mountain bike flew almost in slow motion as it went over their heads and headed for the roof of the car.
The rider slanted and twisted their body, and the bike altered its course in midair, with the back wheel of the bike missing the roof by an inch. It skillfully landed on the ground and then skidded to a halt.

The family is still cowering on the ground. The rider removed their goggles from the motocross-style helmet.

"Woo-hooo, that was great!"

The rider checked their watch.

"And I beat the men's world record time"

She looked at the family squatting down.

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