Sound and vision.

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Max reached the end of the present tunnel. She needed to make a choice in the maze of tunnels. Pausing, she tried to work out roughly how far she had travelled in the tunnel and where she was. Without any marking knowledge of any other reference, it was almost an impossible task. Suddenly, a noise distracted her. Max could hear the goon trying to get a response on his radio. Realising that they were now that they were on to her, Max decided that her best course of action was to neutralise the threat. She stayed hidden in a small alcove near the junction of tunnels and could hear the footsteps in the shallow water. It sounded like there was only one person. Things were a little different for the goon, though; he was convinced he was approaching a swat team. As he neared the junction of tunnels where Max was nestled in the alcove, a small piece of concrete became loose and fell into the water. The goon heard the splash into the water and, taking no chances, grabbed a flashbang, throwing it down the tunnel. The blinding light lit up the near-dark tunnel, followed by the loud noise from the flashbang. Max was caught by surprise, and she was temporarily blinded, not to mention deafened by the flashbang. She grabbed her ears in pain and fell to her knees. For some reason, her ears hurt more than she thought they should*. The goon panicked when he saw Max and decided to open fire. His aim was awful. Bullets sprayed everywhere, but he couldn't hit a barn door. In a heightened sense of panic, he tossed another flashbang, fearing the noise was the swat team.

Max's vision had returned, but her hearing hadn't. She caught the flashbang mid-air before it went off and threw it back towards the goon. The Flashbang hit him in the chest but must have been a dud because it didn't go off, but the sheer power behind Max's throw knocked him off his feet. He fell, dropping his gun. Still unable to hear but sharp as ever, Max ran over to the goon. He was on his hands and knees, recovering from the impact. Max swiftly kicked him in the ribs; the sound of breaking ribs could be as her boot struck, and he screamed in pain. Max moved and stood over him, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him. Her powerful, muscular arm raised his whole body off the ground like he weighed nothing. She tightened her grip around his neck. He struggled to breathe, gasping for air.  With her grip still tight around his neck, she drove his body down to the ground, his body hitting the ground hard. The injured goon tried to reach for a side arm. Max's boot came down hard on his wrist-there was a snap. Before he could make too much noise, Max crouched down, her hand covering his mouth as she quickly twisted his neck, silencing him and leaving him lifeless. Max waited for a moment in case others came; they didn't. She grabbed the radio off the goon. It wasn't working, but it might come in handy later.

Max stopped suddenly.

"Max, can you hear me?" Said a faint voice from inside her head. Max shook her head, putting it down to the effects of the flashbang. Her hearing was still not proper.

She looked at the maze of tunnels and headed straight, ignoring the tunnels diagonally to her left and right. Max continued through the tunnel. Her ears were still hurting. Max found this strange. She had no problems during her police riot training when flashbangs had gone off.

"Max, this is Professor Woods. Can you hear me?"

She stopped in her tracks. Max heard the voice was crystal clear, maybe a little too loud. Max knew from going undercover that it was an earpiece, but she didn't have one.

"Professor?" questioned Max.

"It's been a while, Max" replied the voice.

"How?" asked Max.

"There's no time, Max. Consider it a hidden upgrade. Max, you are in trouble. I'm sending in a team," explained the Professor.

"So the earpiece is inside my head? Max ignored the fact that she was in possible danger.

"Yes, Max. Remember Strom?" asked The Professor.

"Storm from the Academy?" Max was confused.

"Hi Max, it's Storm. We are coming to assist you!"

Max felt like she was having a conversation with an invisible friend.

"I don't need assistance... Storm! Ask the Professor!" said Max defensively.

"Max. I am like you. We are like you. Listen, Max, on the other side of where that tunnel comes up, they have snipers with armour-piercing rounds. As strong as you are, you won't survive a hit from one of those!" explained Storm.

"Nor will you!" Max was very defensive.

"That's correct. But if we attack from their side, we can clear it for your advance!."

Reluctantly, Max agreed.

"Max, continue in the direction you are travelling. You'll come to the end of the tunnel in around...eighteen minutes. Update us when you get there, " instructed Storm.

"So it's your show now? Your operation? I take my directions from you?" Max was angry.

Her rivalry with Storm goes all the way back to when they were both training at the police academy. No one else, Man or woman, could beat Max, apart from Storm. Max came first in every discipline apart from running, where Storm beat her. Mac had never forgotten that.  Max had not seen Storm since she left the police. Things became a little clearer, and Professor Woods had a lot to explaining to do.

Max continued to walk down the tunnel. She wondered what other surprises the Professor had fitted/installed in her. Could they hear her thoughts? Max felt betrayed and uncomfortable, not something she wanted to feel, especially this close to finding the missing people.

Eighteen minutes passed, and Max had arrived at the end of the tunnel. There was a ladder which led up to the surface. Max started her climb. When she finally reached the top, there was a standard cast iron drain cover. Max slowly lifted the cover so she could try and evaluate the situation.

"Max, it's Professor Woods. You might notice a new enhancement!" he cautiously mentioned.

"I thought this might be coming" Max rolled her eyes.

"Langer instructed these upgrades, Max, but I kept them off until now. I've only turned them on so we can help you, Max" The Professor sounded nervous.

"What is it then? It's not as daft as the transmitter in my head, is it?" said Max sarcastically.

"Focus, Max, on the building. Now squint slightly, and then your enhanced vision will activate." explained The Professor.

"Oh my! You've put binoculars in me!"! Max didn't let on that she thought it was cool.

"If you can make my skin bulletproof and increase my running speed, I will be supergirl. How about some lasers? Max chuckled.

Professor Woods was released to hear Max laugh. It took a little bit of the pressure off. She started scanning the building, ready for the assault.

The Max Effect. 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant