Come back to what you know..

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Max turned into her street and slammed her brakes on. She knew the vehicles the C.S.A. used, and there was a black SUV outside her house. Max was not happy. She put her van back into gear and drove towards her house. Max kept calm and pulled into her driveway. She reached over to the glove compartment and got her C.S.A. phone, then got out of the van. She stood there, looking toward the darkened windows of the SUV.

Max flipped the bird and threw her phone at the SUV. It hit the side of the SUV and fell to the floor, broken into pieces. Max turned away and went into her house. She counted. Max knew it wouldn't be long before she got a knock on the door from one of Langer's goons.

There was a knock on her door. Max was spot on with her estimation. Then a doorbell rang, then a knock. Max sighed. She went to her front door and opened it.

"I suggest you stop knocking and ringing my doorbell," ordered Max.

"Langer wants to see you."

"So, the goon speaks." Tell Langer he's a snake and...

Before Max could finish, the SUV door opened. It was Langer. He walked up the driveway and stood in front of Max.

"Hello Max," said Langer.

"You have some nerve." Max was calm but furious.

"Can I come in?" Langer asked

Max didn't reply. She just turned and walked away, leaving Langer at the door.

Langer walked in.

"Wipe your feet and take off your shoes," she shouted from the kitchen.

Langer complied.

"Max, are you still angry with the agency after 4 years?" asked Langer.

The audacity.

"If I'm angry, I'm angry at you." Look, Langer, it's been four years. I've moved on. "I've got a successful business," explained Max.

"We know. We know everything about you. "Remember Max, we own you," said Langer.

"You know how hard I work, and you also know, or have you forgotten, that I'm the only one who could hit the focus levels required for the enhancement to work. "Don't you dare try to take anything away from me and my dedication?" Max was passionate.

She had spent years working on her physique, and like every champion, she always found areas that she wanted to improve. whether that was her bodybuilding, her work with the C.S.A., or her business empire. No other agent could meet the thresholds for the enhanced strength program; it required a certain level of fitness and strength and the ability to focus and project her vision.

For example, an untrained mother could lift a car to save her child in a set of circumstances; in the same situation, if Max focused, she could lift a truck with its rig!

Max could already lift heavy weights with the guys in the gym, and outlift most of them. The enhancement program took her strength to uncharted levels. She earned this through hard work and training. How dare Langer say he owned Max? She stayed calm.

"Langer. I'll give you five minutes to put your shoes on and get the fuck out of my house. before I throw you and your goons down the street.

"Max, We need you! The city needs you."

"I'm counting Langer..."

"Come back, Max."

"Still counting"

Langer knew more than anyone what Max was capable of. He walked to the front door and started to put his shoes on. He stopped and looked at Max.

"I'm sorry. I double-crossed you. It was either me or you. I did it to save my career. "You were the easy option," explained Langer.

It was the first time in four years that Langer had admitted to double-crossing Max. It meant a lot to Max; she wanted that apology.

"Why me, Langer?" asked Max.

"You are the best." The best of the best The city needs you. "I need you," said Langer.

"Get another agent, Langer."

"We've tried. We can't recreate your results. "No other male or female agent can do what you do," explained Langer.

"We need you."

"More like your career needs me." Max wasn't dumb. She knew things must be bad for Langer to show up after 4 years and apologise.

"I've got a good business that I've built up from scratch." I don't need the C.S.A. anymore. "You killed that part of me!" said Max with a lot of passion but still calm.

"Then the only other thing I can offer you is a shitload of money." Said Langer

"You think I'm that shallow?" Snapped Max

"And a supercar...."

That got her attention.

"It better be grey..."

Langer knew Max had a passion for fast supercars, and boy could she drive them fast. Max had beaten numerous F1 drivers in races over the years.

"I'll think about it," said Max.

Her business was doing well, but she didn't have the free cash or capital at the moment to purchase a supercar. Damn Langer, he knew it was her Achilles heel.

"Langer...." She shouted as he walked away.

"My way, my terms: you clear my name, you pay me double, you get me a car name in colour, and I want two old-school Honda CR500s in perfect condition." "Then I'll clear up your mess for you."

Langer turned and smiled. That was rare. He didn't often smile, let alone at staff.

The SUV left with the goons.

Max turned around and shut her door. She was a little annoyed with herself that it took 4 years of waiting, then she gave in to a supercar and double paid, got the apology she wanted, and her name was cleared, so that meant more to her.

She missed the action of the C.S.A. Getting the bad guys and beating up the bad guys But right now, Max had work to do.

Max sat down and fired up her laptop to check out her business emails.

The doorbell rang. Max got up and opened the door. A courier delivered a new phone. This smartphone had a C.S. She would have an app on it, and her debriefs and mission objectives would come via the phone.

Langer didn't waste any time, she thought to herself.

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